Friday, September 17, 2010

Colourful Ruyi Roll 彩虹如意卷

Mid-Autumn Festival / Mooncake Festival is here soon, which falls on Next Wednesday. How are you going to celebrate? We are looking forward to that day..:)
Here's a Snow Skin Mooncake recipe which I'll like to share. One of the recipe from the book "Mooncake Selection" too.

Colourful Ruyi Roll
90g Sugar
150g Water
Few pieces pandan leaves

30g Shortening
1 tbsp fresh milk
100g fried glutinous rice flour (糕粉)
A drop of Strawberry, pandan and lemon essence

Filling: Red bean paste

~ Cook (A) and let it cool.
~ Place all ingedients into a mixing bowl, mix till even and divide into 4 equal portions.
~ Add essence into individual dough, leave to rest for 5-10 minutes.
~ Place dough into plastic sheet, roll to flatten, place filling and roll up (like swiss roll from left to middle and right to middle)
~ Chill to set before cutting into slices.
* As shown in pictures below..:)

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival


  1. This is a very unique mooncake, I have never seen it! Although we are not celebrating this festival, but I am looking forward to it as my DH will be home just before 12am on that night. Here's wishing you and your family a happy mooncake festival!

  2. Wow, this totally new to me! Is the skin like bing pi mooncakes? Because see you use gou fen in the recipe. So nice & special leh! Too bad can see cannot taste, lol!

  3. Hi HHB,
    Yes, this is new to me too, but it was nice, especially the kids...they like the colourful and soft texture..:) Thanks for your wishes.

    Bee Bee,
    Yeah, it was something like "bing pi" but fruity taste..:) Kids will love it.

  4. Wah.. very pretty! This must need lots of patient to complete. Admire your work!

  5. i have never seen this kind of mooncake before, look so colourful and beautiful. Well done friend.

  6. Reese, I'd not seen this type 冰皮月餅 before. Thank you for this interesting post.

    Hmmm ... I doubt I have anything special going on this Mid-Autumn Festival except working and relocating of my family's "headquarters." Haiz ...


  7. Wow..this is really rainbow! Thanks very much for sharing. MaryMoh at

  8. Hi Reese, Please kindly update my blog feed in your blog links to to receive automatic updates :) Thanks :) Happy Mid Autumn Festival to u too!

  9. Thanks Kitchen Corner...:)

    Sonia, how are you? Thanks..:)

    Pei-Lin, this is also the 1st time I see this, so can't wait to try..;p

    You are most welcome, MaryMoh..:)

    Swee San, I'm not very sure how to update the link, I'm very blur and totally no idea when comes to computer..;p But anyway, I still gets your update..:)

    Mr Lonely, welcome to my blog..:) I'm sure to view yours!

  10. So colourful and so cute! I've not heard of this before. However, I'm very sure it'll taste good too! :) Thanks for sharing Reese. And a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you too! :)

  11. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you too, Jane...:)
