Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chocolate Bread with Peanut Butter Chocolate Chips

Finally I got my bread done! When was my last post of bread? Hmm, it must be quite some time ago. With a last minute go and a last minute request, here's a last minute simple loaf...;p
Alright, it is a simple one but it's a super delicious one I ever had. I wonder why I didn't try this out since I have this recipe with me all the while.

Oooo sounds interesting yea...haha! I've done it with a super simple bread loaf recipe and mixed in the wonderful peanut butter chocolate chips and cocoa powder....the result was excellence!!
Want to know how simple it is? Here it goes......

20g castor sugar (already been reduced)
1/2 tsp salt
15g beaten egg
165g cold water
5g instant yeast
40g condensed milk (already been reduced)
5g Cocoa powder / Chocolate powder
250g Bread flour
50g Cake flour
5g milk powder
30g butter

~ Mix everything in a mixing bowl except butter into a dough.
~ Add in butter and knead till smooth and elastic dough.
~ Cover and leave to prove for 30 minutes.

~ Divide dough into 2 and shape into balls, let rest for another 10 minutes.
~ Then roll out each dough and sprinkled with some peanut butter chocolate chips.
~ Roll up like a swiss roll and arranged into 2 greased mould (3X3X7)".
~ Leave to prove double in size (30 minutes)

**After 30 minutes, it was already doubled in size.

~ Egg wash the top of each loaf, then bake in preheated oven at 180'C for 30 minutes.

Ta-da....the loaf is done!! All you need to wait was about 2 hours then you can taste this yummilicious bread...:) It's super soft and the peanut butter chips was the perfect combination with the chocolate bread.....YUM YUM!!



  1. That;s a beautiful loaf. Choc and peanut butter is a great combo. Must be very delicious...yum. Thanks very much for sharing. MaryMoh at

  2. Reese, this bread looks so delicious, I hope I can have a slice or two.

  3. Looks pretty moist and soft! Thanks for sharing:)

  4. A tasty bread and a wonderful flavourful combo of choc and peanut!

  5. This bread looks very yummy! I remember Honey Bee Sweet make something similar last month. I kept the recipe but haven't got a chance to make it.. haih... lazy me!

  6. ~ MaryMoh, thanks and you are welcome..:)

    ~ Jess, thank you too...wish I can share with everyone..;p

    ~ Jeannie, yes it was very soft and moist..:)

    ~ busygran, yea, a perfect combination indeed. And it was my family's favourite..:)

    ~ Kitchen Corner, yea Honeybeesweet did make something similar but hers was much nicer one. Mine was only a simple one...;p

    ~ Sonia, thank you...:)

  7. Cool! Peanut butter chocolate chips! I've not tried this before! Sounds interesting! :p

  8. Heehee, so glad that you finally make full use of the Reese's. :) if you like it, will get more for you on my next trip back to California. Reese's for my good friend Reese! Love the bread....feel like biting it down, yum! Chocolate & peanut butter, match made in yummy heaven!

  9. ~ Jane, this was my first time using the peanut butter choc chips...very yummy leh!!

    ~ Bee Bee, thank you for the was very very delicious! This is the first time eating the chips, and we fell in love with it...haha! And its my name too..haha!
    Get for me..YES!! Aiyo I very thick skin here leh...;p But please let me pay the bills ya!! Thank you so much..:)

  10. What a super-unique bread! It looks super-delicious too.
