Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Cake for a dear Friend (Triple Chocolate Cream Cake)

Last weekend we had a wonderful time and dinner out with my dear friend, BB who came visit. This was the 2nd time I see her this year since last September, but we miss her so much and seems like we have not enough time to chat..haha! Actually we've been chatting for hours that day..;p

This is the chance for me to bake for her celebrate her belated birthday..:) I was so excited that I've planned this for weeks..haha! I'm alittle stress while baking and decorating this cake cause I really want it to be a perfect one before I give this to her. But somehow I still find that my work alittle rough..;p

First I've moulded some roses with chocolate fondant and let dry for 2 days. Think this will be nice on a chocolate cake..:)

A cake with chcolate sponges with a layer of "dark chocolate cream", "milk chocolate cream" and lastly "white chocolate cream. Simple decorations with the roses and strawberries, which were all her favourites.

Oh the side..well since I know my work is going to be rough, I've made some chocolate swirls for the side decorations. And here's the cake, Triple Chocolate Cream Cake just for you....Happy Belated Birthday BB, my dear dear friend..:)

If you like the recipe....
*Prepare the chocolate sponge with any sponge recipe you have then slice into 3 layers.
Dark Chocolate Cream:
100g dark chocolate (melted)
1 tbsp cornoil
50g fresh cream (whipped)
1 tbsp chocolate emulco

Milk Chocolate:
50g dark chocolate, 100g white chocolate (melted)
1 tbsp cornoil
100g fresh cream (whipped)

White Chocolate:
100g white chocolate (melted)
1 tbsp cornoil
50g fresh cream (whipped)

~ To make chocolate cream, melt chocolate separately. Stir in oil and fold in whipping cream.
~ Spread dark chocolate cream on the first layer of sponge then sandwich the 2nd layer and top with milk chocolate cream. Sandwich the 3rd layer of sponge and top with white chocolate cream.
~ Coat the cake (side) with milk chocolate cream. Decorate sides with your desire patterns. ( I melted some dark chocolate then spread them using a spoon on a parchment paper and leave to set in the fridge)

Hope you like this cake my friend..:)


  1. Bee Bee must be happy :) good job!

  2. I am sure Bee Bee is happy to receive such a beautiful cake. The roses are so beautifully done. You are getting good at decorating cakes.

  3. Very sweet of you to do so! Bee Bee must be so happy!

  4. ~ Thank you, Swee San...:)

    ~ Gert, thank you too..:) I really really like to decorate..even simple cakes for tea at home..haha!

    ~ Pei-Lin, I hope I can bake for everyone..heehee..:)

  5. The cake is so beautiful, bee bee is so lucky to have you as friend ^_^

  6. ~ neyeeloh, thank you..:)

    ~ Paula, welcome to my blog, and hope you'll like all the recipes..:)

  7. This looks good and I like the roses especially.
