Friday, November 12, 2010

Fruit Jam Puff

This coming weekends will be a very busy one for daughter is going to have her graduation ceremony!!! I'm so excited and I just can't wait to see her wearing the robe..haha! Okay, I know I'm abit over excited for she's only 6...heehee! But seeing her wearing her robe makes me feel like she's a big girl now and I just can't wait to prepare her to the primary..;p
Alright, lets talk about today's post. "Puffs"! I like this version of puffs which filled with fruity jams instead of cream or custard. They had a very fuirty taste and a light texture.

The steps are easy to follow but alittle time consuming during the process.

200g bread flour
50g superfine cake flour
30g butter
1/4tsp salt
130g water
130g pastry margarine
*1 egg yolk (beaten)

~ Mix all ingredients together except pastry margaring and egg yolk into a dough.
~ Press till form a smooth dough. Rest for 10-15 minutes.
~ Roll pastry margarine into square shape on a plastic sheet. Flatten dough and place the pastry margarine on top of the flatten dough.
~ Wrap up then roll out into a big rectagle sheet. Fold in 4 folds and rest for 10-15 minutes.
~ Repeat this folding process for 3 times.
~ Roll dough into a thin sheet, use a cutter to cut out base and top (as shown below)
~ Brush egg yolkon the base and stick the top together.
~ Place on the tray with parchment paper and bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown at 180'C.
~ Cooled and fill with jams.

I like the blueberry jam fillings the most but may daughter prefer eating in another way...with chocolate!! Oh, about the jams...I used those blueberry and strawberry fillings from bakery stores. I think you can eat them with any fillings you desire, they may taste great too.

See the puffs with the layered pastry? They were so crunchy and light. Yummy!
Below was what my daughter prefer..with melted chocolate...she took 6 in a go!!

Have a great weekend!!

Tarts on Foodista


  1. This looks like a flexible recipe which can fill savory filling too! First that come to mind is prawn cucumber or chicken mushrooms, yum! But the sweet fillings are a great desert too! Will try this out when there is party, great finger food idea! ;) very flaky looking, yum!

  2. Yummy jam tarts! Savoury would be nice too!

  3. Congrat to your daughter!Hope she like her new school next year. Your fruit jam puff really looks yummy.

  4. Very lovely puffs you've made! Mine doesn't rise so high! And you've made so many, wish I could have a couple of them too!

  5. Bee Bee,
    This my first time making too. Its really good idea for savory fillings horr...okay I'll make this with prawn cucumber for the coming X'mas party..:)

  6. Thanks busygran, lena & Wai Kitt...:)

    Jane, yeah, there were surprisingly high leh, and some were even too high for the fillings..haha! I wish I can share with you too..:)

  7. These puffs look very cute and very tasty as well.

  8. what a fantastic idea.It looks really good.I came across your site from the foodieblogroll and I'd love to guide Foodista readers to your site. I hope you could add this Foodista widget at the end of this post so we could add you in our list of food bloggers who blogged about tarts, Thanks!

  9. ~Thank you, Alisa..:)

    ~Thank you camelia, I'm actually already a member of I'll be delighted to add my site too. Thanks for asking..:)
