Sunday, December 19, 2010

Banana Lemon Poppy Seed Cupcakes

Another week to X'mas!! Woo-hoo....there are so much to do and so many to bake!! Before that, I have to go for a quick-shopping for some X'mas gifts for the coming celebration. There will be a X'mas + Gathering + housewarming at my good friend's house on X'mas day. Of course I'll be baking something for this party, and the kids will have gifts and surprises on that day. Oh I can't wait.
Well, actually there were already a pre-X'mas party at my house last week with my parents, sisters and cousins. We had great fun, and everyone has a surprise gifts from my cousins from Singapore..:) Thank you dear cousins..:D
Then my youngest sister and me had brought the kids for a short trip to a beach resort for a 3 days 2 nights stay. Well, well of course we had great fun and we were all got tanned...LOL!

Alright, what did I bake for this trip.....some banana lemon poppy seed cupcakes for my parents and the kids. It was a new recipe from my collection and also a 1st attempt. Result was surprisingly soft and delicious.

My kitchen was filled with the wonderful smell of bananas that day and I took one right after baked. heehee! But I find that the cake was even nicer the next day..;p

Recipe for the cupcakes:
340g butter
180g sugar
2 tsps lemon juice
1 tsp lemon rind
8 egg yolks
125ml fresh milk
300g cake flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp Baking soda
200g bananas (mashed) ~ I used beranggan banana
70g poppy seeds
100g raisins
8 egg whites
10g sugar
~ Cream butter and sugar together until pale, add in lemon juice and lemon rind and mix well.
~ Add in egg yolks one at a time, then follow by milk and fold in the flour, baking powder and baking soda.
~ Mix in mashed bananas, poppy seeds and raisins.
~ Lastly beat the egg whites with sugar until half stiff and fold into the batter slowly.
~ Spoon into papercups and sprinkle some raisins on top. Bake in a preheated oven for 30-35 mins at 180'C.
Super yummy and I was so glad that everyone loves it so much. My grandmother said she loves it and was great to have it with her favourite cup of tea..:) I'll prefer coffee then...haha!

And I'll try to come up with my X'mas post as soon as possible..:)


  1. wow the muffins look absolutely tempting! Where did you get your poppy seeds from? I can't find any at where I am

  2. I love banana cake, going to try this reicpe but too bad ve to omit poppy seeds since not able to get at Spore.

  3. ~ j3ss kitch3n, thank you..:)

    ~ Jean, thank you... I got this poppy seed from cold storage here.

    ~ Jess @ Bakericious, I thought poppy seed is just a kind of spice that you can get anywhere. The seed actually gives the cake a little spice aroma.

  4. Wah, another great banana recipe, must try! Trust your taste. :)) so glad you had so much fun with your family! Wah even got to go that nice beach side resort again! So fast horr, seems like not too long ago we all went there too. :P I most remembered the night we all chit chat and had beer fun! Hey, btw, I am writing to you at 1.30am ...still struggling with jet lag* sigh*. Will to you again...looking forward to your Xmas post!

  5. Hey Bee Bee,
    You'll get use to the time and weather very soon, and enjoy yourself, my dear friend. What a nice cold winter X'mas you'll have this year..envy!! must try! I know you'll like this banana cupcakes recipe as I do..:) Hope to hear from you soon..:D
