Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Simple & Quick Banana Muffins with Rapsberries

How's everyone doing? I'm still in the CNY mood, and don't feel like doing anything at all..haha!
Schools starts and I'm back to my daily routine...:(
Somehow, there are something to look foward this weekend...kekeke..;p Oh I'm so looking forward to it..:D Want to know what? Stay tune then...haha! (wicked me!)

Let's see what's my post today...a very simple, yummy banana muffins. And these were actually done by my daughter (with my guidance of course..heehee). You may wonder why not me who was baking...well with my manicure nicely done that day...that is why...haha!
These were baked for our breakfast on the CNY eve.

Soft and delicious, they were all gone during the breakfast..:) See her little hand decorating the rapsberries...haha! She loves to do it..:)
Here's the recipe, need no mixer but only a bowl with a spatula and a spoon.
300g self raising flour
150g brown sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
180ml fresh milk
1/2 cup mashed bananas
80ml cornoil
Some fresh rapsberries
~ Preheat oven at 200'C. Meanwhile line muffin cups on the tray. (I used 20 - 3.1/4oz muffin cups)
~ Stir to combine flour and sugar in a bowl, stir in combined egg, milk, mashed bananas and oil until just combine.
~ Spoon mixture into prepared paper cups and top with a fresh rapsberry.
~ Bake for 15 mins, and its all done!
Nicely packed for our trip back that night. Who can resist the warm and freshly baked muffins? I can't...haha! Took one right away..;p



  1. You so nice mummy, still have baking session with your girl. :) indeed this is a simple enough yet delicious looking banana muffin yah! I still have bananas hanging around....might try your recipe, heehee. Yah, I also in a lazy mood! But still have to take care of my kids and house....I know *sian* you know lah, my body is here but my heart is wishing to be there with you all. Hope you all enjoy yourself loads ! Missing you guys!

  2. Oh I know what is going on this weekend. I wish I can be there too :( Anyway, I hope you enjoy yourself and have a wonderful time with the rest of the ladies.

  3. ~ Dear Bee Bee, that time I was still in my baking mood, so Cheryl has the chance to do it...haha! Now a....I still dunno when I want to bake...everyday seems like so moody...;p
    "Sigh"...hoping you can join this weekend but it seems timing is not that right ya..:(

    ~ Gert, you bet! Wish you can join too..:(

  4. Yum, those raspberries add such a nice touch to your muffins. It sounds delicious. I have a sweet treat linky party going on at my blog called "Sweets for a Saturday" and I'd like to invite you to stop by this weekend and link your muffins up.
