Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Wedding Cakes

Hi everyone..I'll like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and good health in this "U-LA-LA" snake year...^^
I've been missing since last November...LOL, busy with the holidays and now busy with my daughter's school scedule and Chinese New Year cookies. Bet everyone are facing the same stress here...huh!! What cookies to bake this year, things are not ready and time has been running out...gosh! Anyway, after these busy weeks, we'll have a fun holiday again and when that comes, time flies...happy moments are always too short...;p
Alright now, before any cookies (btw, I'm only going to make some old traditional cookies like last year) here are two different wedding cakes I've done last December.

The first one here are was 5 tiers wedding cake for a good friend (she's a local artist). All were styrofoam covered with white vanilla fondant and 99 gumpaste purple tone roses. This cake was delivered to the beach which took me almost two hours to reach and was too heavy for me to carry...haha! Anyway, it was delivered in good condition...No CRACKS!!.."phew"

The second one, this was only a small 8" butter cake covered with vanilla white fondant and  two cute chinese wedding couple sitting on the cake. Simple one, for my dearest cousin brother's wedding. Yeah, they love it!!
My finishing was still very rough, guess I still need alot lot more practice.

The idea of these two couples came from my friends, my dear old school mates, whom now doing their home bake business in Australia. Thanks my dear friends!!

Now, I'll like to end here, and wish everyone has a wonderful Chinese New Year celebration!!

Gong Xi Fa Cai


  1. Those are beautiful cakes indeed, how meaningful it is to have someone close to make our wedding cakes. Happy chinese new year to you too!

  2. Thank you very much for this useful article. I like it. bakery fort smith ar
