Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Steamed Tiramisu

Another simple and delicious recipe adapted from the web. I've always wanted to try anything that is simple and nice. And of course most important is that recipe really works and tastes good!
I've done some changes with the original recipe which you can find here
This recipe has caught my attention once I read the title of it....STEAMED TIRAMISU!! It's so special right? Anyway I've never done this before and it worth a try.

It only took me only about 40 minutes to complete the whole process. (including washing of course)
The texture is super soft and I'm very satisfied with the outcome. Love this tiramisu..^^

4 large eggs
140g castor sugar
1 tbsp baking powder
150g low gluten flour (pau flour)
100ml cornoil (I used olive oil as I've forgotten to buy the
200ml coconut milk
2 in 1 coffee pack (15g) + 1 tbsp hot water
2 tbsps cocoa powder + 1 tbsp hot water
1 tsp pure vanilla essence

~ Prepare an 8" round or quare pan lined with parchment paper.
~ Prepare a wok with hot water for steaming.
~ Beat eggs and sugar till light and fluffy
~ Sift flour and baking powder together and add in slowly into the egg mixture at low speed.
~ Add in cornoil and coconut milk alternately.
~ Divide the batter into 3 equal portions.
(a) with cocoa powder
(b) with coffee
(c) with pure vanilla essence
~ Pour the cocoa powder batter into the prepared cake tin and steamed for 8 minutes at high heat.
~ Then pour in the coffee batter and steamed for another 8 minutes.
~ Lastly pour in the vanilla batter and further steam for 20 minutes.
~ Remove from the steamer when done, cool and remove the parchment paper.


  1. U r most welcome to my blog, Bailey George.

  2. Looks amazing! And it's steamed, less heaty...will try. ;)

    1. Hi my dear friend..ya, something different and simple to try. Cheryl loves it!!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
