Monday, May 4, 2015

Nestum Cereal Cookie Bars

Had a nice weekend with family and friends, lots of good food and some shopping too. I love holidays when I don't have to wake up early preparing breakfast, don't have to rush home to prepare meals while shopping..haha! Wish everyday is holiday..;p
Well, even though it's holiday, I still bake a little. Yeah, can't live without going into my kitchen though..(^^)
Here's an easy recipe which I baked last 2 days for my daughter's snacks (she loves snacks). First attempt, and it's not bad at all. 

80g sugar
125g butter
1 egg yolk
2 tbsps fresh milk
100g Nestum honey cereal
100g plain flour
30g cornflour
30g tapioca flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence

* Beat butter and sugar till creamy.
* Add in egg yolk, milk and vanilla.
* Add in Nestum honey cereal and (all) flour.
* Mix well to form a soft dough
* Pour into a 10x10" square pan and press firmly.
* Bake at 170'C for 30 mins or until golden brown.
* Remove from oven and cut into small rectangles with a knife while it's still hot.
* Let cool completely before remove from the pan. Store in an airtight container.

The texture was crispy outside and a little soft in the inside. It's still good until today!
Maybe you can try with some other cereal or oats. I bet it will taste good too.


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