Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Walnut and Dried Cranberries Milk Buns

Manage to bake some buns today after a not-so-long break...haha! Yeah, kind of lazy since last bakes but I'm back, back to my HQ (my kitchen la...)
I'll like to share this delicious soft buns with you because I find this recipe is rather easy (not to mention the time consuming la) compare with those with starter dough or tang zong. 

Recipe adapted from My Mind Patch Please refer to her blog for reference.
I have been baking this recipe from this blog for quite a lot of times and I love it!! T
This time with the same recipe but I've added some other ingredients into it and made them into a flower shape...hehe! Nice or not?? ^^

After the first proofing, divide the dough into equal portions, place some dried cranberries and toasted walnuts on top

 Roll it up from the inside and pull down the side of the dough and seal at the bottom to make a ball

 After the last proofing cut the edges with a sharp knife, rub some egg wash on top and place a small walnut in the center if you like

 And for my super hot oven, I just bake at 160'C for 20 minutes, and my super soft buns are ready to be eaten!

Please refer to the original author for details, The Mind Patch
