Friday, June 26, 2009

A Birthday Cake

Today is my husband's birthday!! So this is it....a birthday cake for him....:) Yeah....every year will be almost the same....dinner then cake. But this year i'm not preparing the dinner...heehee! We went for Italian food before cutting the cake at home...:P The dishes we ordered were so delicious and very filling.....but too bad, i forgot to bring my camera.....haiz..:(

Okay, back to the cake, its a very simple sponge cake with white chocolate cream and decorations. The topping is full of shredded white chocolate, which was decorated by my daughter..:D...yea yea...she loves to do that and at the same time keep eating the chocolate too!

The recipe is not much special here, just spread the cake (sliced into 3 slices) with the white cream (1 tbsp corn oil + 100g melted white chocolate mix into 200g whipped cream). Then i layered the cake with lychee and pitted dark cherries. The taste is just right with the chocolate...not sweet at all. But as you can see my work here is not very good, still alittle messy...heehee! I think will be better if i get more practice...but homemade larr....can pass....hahaha!

Luckily my husband said its nice, and he really enjoy it! Not to mention my daughter....she loves all kind of food with chocolate.....LOL!

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