Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cheesy Braided Bread

Ha ha ha! Today is my lucky chum happiest day!! Yeah yeah...you must thought that i'm crazy..hee hee..:D
I'm so happy cause i know axactly how to make a nice soft bread! My fren, BB came tis afternoon and show me the method,...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
See, i love bread, and so do my family especially my daughter. And yet, all my breads were too hard, i mean it was like a stone after baking! And my daughter used to say 'mmm...NOT NICE'...haiz...:( But until today, she finally said...'wow....soft horr'..ha ha ha! Guess i'll be baking bread every week from now. Yippie...)

I followed this recipe from a blogger, kitchen's corner, which my friend said that would be easy for me to bake....yeah, its true....at least i know how to knead the dough...ha ha!...;P

I can't wait to bake again tomorrow, cause the portion i used just now only made a few..
I was thinking to wrap some shredded coconut ( cook with gula melaka) tomorrow, hope it successful....hee hee..:0

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations my friend, you did it! Hope you like this recipe. Yes, will be looking forward to seeing more bread post from you. ;)
