Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Kueh Koci

Have been busy with work last 2 days....and i didn't really enjoy my food. Brought home all the paper work from office, sitting down on the working table for almost the whole day! Hmm....miss my kitchen too. Hee hee!
Bought myself a new recipe book (Nyonya Traditional Kueh). I love those Nyonya Kueh selling outside, and usually will buy 1 or 2 at least in a week, ha ha! Today, with the book i have, i tried this "Kueh Koci" which is 1 of my favourite. Its not difficult, but when come to wrapping it with the banana leaf.......opps! I can't do it!! Haiz....:( Got to find an expert for that!...:P So i made it unwrapped instead....

395g Glutinous rice flour
115g Sweet potatoes / pumpkin
200ml Coconut milk
Few drops green colouring (i used 1/2 tbsp fresh pandan juice instead)
1 tbsp Sugar
1 tbsp Oil
115ml Coconut milk

** Few banana leaves for wrapping / base

1 tbsps Sugar
150g Palm Sugar (gula melaka)-crushed
2 tbsps Water
Few pandan leaves
250g Grated coconut
1 tbsp Sago, mix well with 2 tbsps of water

Making the filling:
~Boil ingredients (A) till sugar turns into syrup
~Add in grated coconut, then lower down the flame and stir the mixture continuosly till almost dry. Add in sago mixture and stir thoroughly and leave it to cool.

Making the dough:
~Steam sweet potatoes / pumpkin till soft and then mash till smooth. Then mix well with 225g of the glutinous rice flour and set aside.
~Boil ingredients (B) and add in colouring (if used) or the pandan juice. Then let cool for 1-2 minutes.
~In a large bowl, add in coconut milk to the sweet potatoes / pumpkin & flour mixture. Stir till form a paste.
~Add in (B) mixture and mix well. Add in remaining flour and knead into a soft dough.
(if its too dry, may add alittle more water)
~Divide the dough into small equal portions and roll into ball. Flatten the dough and wrap in the coconut filling and seal.
~Wrap with a banana leaf, or just leave it on the (oiled) banana leaf and steam over high heat.....
**If wrap with banana leaf, may need to steam for 15 mins.
**If unwrap, only need 10 mins to steam.

Its really nice but its alittle high choresterol here....due to those coconut milk used....:P
Wonder how it taste if i replace the coconut milk with full cream milk....hmm....hee hee! Will try it out......

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