Thursday, June 18, 2009

Traditional Mee-Sua

Every Chinese will have 2 birthdays in a, according to the chinese calender. And today, its my husband's...and i wonder how to celebrate with him on his day.

Finally i decided to celebrate in a very traditional way....a traditional breakfast for him. This is the first time he celebrate his birthday (on chinese calender) hee hee....

See, Hokkien will eat 'mee-sua' & eggs on their birthdays, so i decided to cook this mee with chicken stocks.

A very simple chicken soup, with a little garlic added. Only mee will look alittle dull, so i added chicken drumstick marinated with some light soy sauce and pepper. And that hard-boil egg suppose to look like a heart shape...ha ha ha!

It turned out quite tasty, not to say delicious, but perfect for a traditional breakfast, i guess...hee hee! Will be celebrating his actual birthday next week....mmmm, stay tune!...;P


  1. Help me wish Ben a happy Birthday. ;) So are you making him a cake? Heehee, keep me posted!

  2. Yeah, a birthday cake for him! Hee hee! Hopefully it'll successful, wish me luck!
