Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Final Attempt.....

Finally finally, finally i got it!! After a few attempts of cracking, i really feel like giving up. I told myself, this will be the last i'm trying....*PHEW*....and got it at last...:)
A recipe from my dear friend honeybeesweets, althought mine is not as nice as hers, but still can eat larr...hee hee! At least my husband and my daughter said good...:)

As you can see from here, i added too much filling into it....haha! Just want to finish up all the floss in my cupboard. Using a 10x14" tray my friend got for me made the rolling easier. And also the all purpose flour to replace the cake flour made the texture softer. I'll make more swiss roll from now on...hee hee..;p

For friends who like to try this pork floss swiss roll, please get the full recipe and method from my friend, honeybeesweets. Her recipe is wonderful.....thanks alot BB for the recipe and also your precious time for showing me the method..:)


  1. You are most welcome Reese! Glad that you finally get to make this delicious swiss roll. ;) Enjoy!

  2. Hey BB, really enjoy swiss roll matter what filling in it..thanks..:)
