Monday, September 7, 2009

Pork Belly in Black Bean Sauce

Besides baking, i have lots of 'hometown' dishes that i'll like to post here, but the probem is i hardly cook....i mean i usually will cook some very simple dishes for my daughter and myself for dinner. My husband..??...he always takes his dinner outside due to his work...hmm...I wish i can cook for him everyday...:( That is why i always look forward to weekends which he can stay home and have my cookings...:) Home cook is always the best, ha! Not to say my cooking is delicious, but at least healthy.
Alright, this is one of my bean sauce. I always find that the taste and fragnant of the fermented black beans are so good, and goes along well with alot of ingredients such as pork, chicken or fish.

I remember when i was a kid, my mother cooked this quite often for us. She usually cooked this with pork ribs...mmm...and it taste so good...:)
Today, i made this with pork belly, and no chilli added. Of course it taste better with some chilli, more spice! But because my daughter can't take spicy, i have to avoid it.

Here's the ingredients for the sauce...

5 shallots, peeled and chopped
2 tbsps chopped garlic
1 tbsp chopped ginger
100g fermented black beans, soaked and chopped
Some red chillies or chilli padi, chopped (optional)
A little spring onions, chopped
3 tbsps Cooking oil
80-100ml water

1tbsp light soy sauce
2 tbsps Oyster sauce
1 tbsp sugar
dash of pepper and sesame oil

~ Heat up oil and saute chopped shallots, garlic and ginger until fragnant.
~ Add in fermented black beans adn stir-fry till aromatic.
~ Add in chilli if using, spring onions, seasonings and water
~ Mix well and cook at low heat for 3 minutes. Remove from heat.
** This sauce can be refridgerate for a week.

I marinated the pork belly (cubes) for 1-2 hours before steaming. ( Do not add water or oil)
Just steam at high heat for 30 minutes and serve hot. (If using pork ribs, may need to steam for another 15 minutes, until the meat tender.)
It is also very delicious when use for steam fish, chicken claypot or stir-fry crabs...yummy!!

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