Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chilled Cheese Cakes

Deepavali is coming, and everybody is so excited about this weekends...i'm talking about the long weekend which the schools will be close for 3 days. Wouldn't know about my plan yet, maybe travelling or just back to my hometown...all depends on my husband's schedule.
Anyway, baking is definetely will be on..haha! Want to know what's on my mind...hee hee..:P Stay tune!

By the way, made some chilled cheese cakes for my daughter's teachers for their hardwork tru the year and also not to forget my dear friends around. Bought some new cutter today, which i think will look nice with this cheese cakes...and yes, they did!

All nicely cut and topped with fruit jam....yummy..:)
Actually the recipe is for a 9" loose base pan, somehow it can be any shape as you like....the most important is the taste.
Anyone who's interested........

150g Digestive biscuits or Marie biscuits (crushed)
100g Butter (melted)

2 egg yolks
150g Sugar
160g Fresh milk

2.5 tbsps Gelatine
6 tbsps Hot water

250g Cream Cheese

250g Double cream ( lightly whipped, set aside)

1/2 tbsp Lemon juice

~ Combine the crushed biscuits and melted butter, pour into the 9" loose base pan, press down the crust firmly with the back of a spoon. Store in the freezer before use.

~ Cook (A) with double boiling and set aside. Mix (B) together and pour into (A). Stir and mix well.
~ Beat cream cheese until smooth, then add in (A+B) mixture, then add in (E). Mix well.
~ Add mixture into (D) , stir and mix well.
~ Pour into prepared crumb crust and chill for 2-3 hours until firm.
~ Top with favourite fruit jams or fresh fruits.

I did it with a 10x10" square pan, so its easier for me to cut with those cutter, and those jams i used was blueberry pie filling, strawberry jam, kiwi and mango puree. Some of them were decorated with chocolate chips cause i see its rather bare with just the jam on top.

Yeap, my finishing is abit rough huh.....;p..that's what my sis used to comment..haha! Will try to improve, guess i need more practice. "Practice makes perfect"!!
So don't wait...get started..:) Cheers!


  1. Such sweet little cakes! My girls love them very much. ;D Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. You are most welcome BB, glad that your girls love it..;)
