Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Coconut Cendol Cake

Like "Cendol Ais Kacang"?...If you are a Malaysian, you definetely know what's that! Its a kind of cool dessert with blended ice, coconut milk, palm sugar and cendol (a kind of green jelly). Its very porpular here, where you can get it everywhere.
Well, if you like that yummy ice dessert, then you'll definetely like this cake too. Top with cendol agar-agar with a soft butter cake base..:)

A very simple cake which takes only 1-2 hours to prepare. By the time you mould out the cake, it'll be half gone!! Really yummy when you take it with a cup of green tea,.....that's what i'm doing now..haha!

Alright here's the recipe for you......

Ingredients (Cake):
120g Sugar
2 tsps Cake emulsifier

4 large Eggs

110g plain flour
1 tsp Baking powder

1 tbsp Water
1 tsp Vanilla essence (optional)

130g Melted butter

~ Mix (A) till well blended. Then add in (B) and whip till thick.
~ Add in (C) and continue to whip till light and fluffy
~ Add (D), miz till well blended.
~ Fold in (E) and mix well.
~ Pour mixture into a greased and lined 9" square tin.
~ Bake at 180'C for 20 minutes. Set aside to cool completely.

Ingredients (Topping):
650ml Water
Pinch of salt
180g Palm sugar (cut into small pieces so that its easier to melt)
2 tsps Agar-agar powder
1 tbsp Instant jelly powder

2 Egg yolks
350ml Fresh coconut milk
45g Cornflour

120g Cooked Red beans
200g Cendol (rinsed and drained)

~ Bring (A) to boil and until palm sugar melted completely.
~ Mix (B) together and add into (A). Continue to cook till thick. Stir constantly to avoid burning the bottom.
~ Off fire and add in (C). Mix well.
~ Pour mixture onto the cooked and cooled cake. Let it cool for about 15 minutes the refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
~ Unmould, serve cold.

Its a nice cool cake serve during this hot weather. Give it a try and let me know whether you like it or not...Cheers!


  1. After my soon kueh for breakfast...I still ate a big piece of your cake....so good! Thanks for the cake!

  2. So happy that you like the cake Bee Bee....:)

  3. Tks, Reese for the recipe. The topping texture perfect.
