Friday, February 12, 2010

Chinese Steamed Cake 鸡蛋糕

Hi everyone, I would like to wish all my friends and my dear readers a very Happy Chinese New Year....新年快乐。。。如意吉祥!!
So how are all your preparations? Mine is almost done! Still need to roast some pork for the eve dinner tommorow..;p Will start to pack soon, for we'll be back to our hometown, Seremban tommorow morning. And here's the last post before I start enjoying the Chinese New Year holidays. I've steamed some cakes (鸡蛋糕/发糕)for my family which they always have for the first day of CNY..:)

Well, if you like to have this cake the early morning for breakfast, you can always consider this. It's easy and really yummy.
Here's the recipe......
320g Self Raising flour
300g Castor sugar
360g Eggs (weigh with the shells)
1/2 tbsp Ovellet
alitttle vanilla essence (optional)
~ Beat all ingredients together in a mixing bowl at high speed for 7-8 minutes.
~ Pour into a 9" bamboo basket lined with baking paper.
~ Use a oiled knife, just slice a cross sign on top of the batter.
~ Steam at high heat for 30 minutes.
And its done!
See my cake.....wooooo....its really beautiful with the top opens like flower...:)
Sugar has been reduce here, the sweetness is just nice. Remember, less sugar might not have this texture..:)

Another pattern has been produced..haha! Its just some left over batter due to the basket i'm using was alittle too small. (I used a 6" one). Poured into paper cups, thought it will turn out in a round shape..;p Anyway, my daughter said it looks like a flower, and she likes these more..:)

Got to go.....once again wish you all have a wonderful holiday! GONG XI FA CAI.....!!!


  1. Wah...soooo nice! Like very fluffy and yummy! Made me so tempted to make one myself! ;) Great job my friend. ;) Have a good celebration back home with your family. See you soon!

  2. Thanks Bee Bee! It is very fluffy...guess this year I'll be 发发发。。haha!
    Yeah, you should make one..:) You too have a good celebration..see you soon!

  3. Your steamed cake really "Fat", you must very "Ong" in the new year, hehehe. Wishing you a Happy CNY and Happy Holidays.

  4. Thanks Sonia...haha! Hopefully its really "Ong"..hee hee! GONG XI FA CAI!!!

  5. Hi Reese,
    Your 鸡蛋糕 looks very pretty and fluffy! The picture looks so real and nice I can almost feel the texture!
    Happy lunar new year to you and your family, and a very happy valentine's day to you too!

  6. Thanks Jane, it's gone right after I reached my mum's place..haha! They love it.:)
    新年快乐 & Happy Valentine's day to you!

  7. Your 'huat kueh' looks very nice, i bet you will have a very 'huat' year ;-)

  8. 好美的雞蛋糕呀!!


  9. Thanks Quizzine..:)
    Wish you have a very "huat" year too!

    Hey Pei Lin...:)
    Thank you very Much! 新年快乐...;)

  10. I love steamed cake.
    They are so soft, fluffy, tender and light.
    Yours look so good...hahaha...definitely a very "fatt" year ahead. :-D

  11. Hello Reese Kitchen,

    I love looking through your delicious food on your blog. Reminds me much of home back in Malaysia.

    Can you please tell me what "ovalette" is? Is it easily obtained?
    Is it expensive?

    thanks. I'm just one ingredient short to making this.
    Hope to make it for next years CNY.

    thanks again.

  12. Hi Ginny,
    Thanks for dropping by..:)
    Ovalette is also called "Sponge Emulsifier" which is yellow in colour and texture like gel.
    Its not expensive and it csn be kept for quite some time.
    Happy baking..;)

  13. Hi.. I followed all your steps and I have no idea why my cake didn't blossom like yours did? I didn't add any ovalette as I can't find any.. I am currently in Australia.. Are there any substitutes for ovalette???

  14. Hi Iris,
    You cannot omit ovellet, for its to help the cake to rise. Maybe you can try Sponge Emulsifier. But its a must in this cake recipe. Hope you can get it next time you steam this.

  15. Ovalette does not blend very well in a batter. Do u sieve the batter before it is steamed?

  16. Hi, I didn't sieve the batter before it was steamed. Did you add in the ovalette together right from the beginning?

  17. Cake looks great but how about the taste. Is it dry? Normally this cake call to add some aerated drink so that it would not have a dry taste

    1. Hi Richard, the cake taste just the right consistency to me. My sister likes to add 1tbsp of water to this recipe and it seems good to her. Overall it depends to individual liking.

  18. Replies
    1. Hi, you don’t need to add water to this recipe. Just follow the ingredients stated will do. Happy baking!!
