Monday, May 17, 2010

Steamed White Cake (白糖糕)

Yeah...I did it!! This is my mother and grandmother's favourite. My grandmother always buy this keuh for her supper when she go 'pasar malam' (night market). My mother told me she had a recipe of this kueh long time ago but she never succeed. But after she told me all those ingredients that needed inthat particular recipe, I decided not to try. Way too many ingredients to prepare.
But after I saw this keuh so nicely done by Kitchen Snippets, I decided to give it a try. And I did it! Not perfect but successful..:) Thank you so much for the recipe Gertrude..;)

Here's a look of the steamed kueh right from the steamer.

Oh I like the yeasty smell and the unique springy texture of this kueh.

Hmm...I just love it love it love it...;p Even my girl said its nice and took 2 slices right away..:)
If any of you are interested with this kueh, get the recipe from Kitchen Snippets and give it a try..:)

Happy Baking!!


  1. i just love pak tong koh. brings back childhood memories! well done, looks great and perfect!

  2. wow my dad loves this cake, we used to buy it from the pasar malam but nowadays it's lesser n lesser n lesser. It looks great, I'm going to try n make it !

  3. It looks perfect! And what more could you ask for when your girl asked for 2 slices?

  4. Reese, thanks for trying this kueh out. I too find this is a very easy recipe to follows and didn't take long to make it. Glad that you and your family like this.

  5. So nice! This is a kueh that my mum always buy for us when we are young. My sister made this recently and it was pretty good. ;) Yours looked like it rise very well...good job!

  6. Thanks everyone..:) I'm going to make this again very soon..heehee! Everyone seems to love it..;p

  7. Gert, I'm so happy with this recipe...and I'll like to thank you again for sharing..;)

    Bee Bee, thank you & hoping to see you soon...and your cookies...heehee..;p

    Swee San, you must try...its very nice!

    Jane, "swee" is nice rite?..haha! Thank you..:)

  8. this is a very success kuih ler, I have yet to try myself, after see yours, I must give it a try soon.

  9. Hi Sonia, this recipe is easy to follow and the result is really good. You should try..:)

  10. I was just watching my dad eating this kueh and never think of making it myself. Your one looks as good as my dad one :P

  11. Reese,
    Maybe you would like to try out my 3rd Version that I've did since you like this so much.
    I've done this version that you did here, but IMOO I find my my 3rd version is much better, but you need a lot of waiting time lor.

  12. Thanks Wendy, I've read your 3rd version, and yes the waiting time lor...maybe will try it out next time. Thanks for sharing..:)
