Monday, June 28, 2010

My very first fondant figurine

This is the very first fondant figurine I made. It took me quite some time to mould this "little Princess" but I'm quite happy with it. (At least I got the figure right..;p) Okay, its not really an order or what, its just that my very good friend (my old old buddies from primary school) has asked for helping to bake some cupcakes for her little girl who is celebrating her 5th birthday tomorrow in her school.

"A Princess" ........that's what the little girl requested. And I took this opportunity to try what I've been longing to ..;D

I know I still need alot practice on that. Hopefully I can get to make a better one the next time..;p And of course more in a time..haha!

Happy Birthday Jocelyn....;)


  1. Frankly it looked like the princess in Shrek, except that it was green. I don't mean it's not nice, just something that reminds me of something else. I like it :)

    I'm sure you'll be much better in time.

  2. Hahaha! I think its because it looks short and fat...;p Anyway thanks Wendy, I'll work hard on that..;p

  3. Hi Pepela, welcome to my blog & thank you for your compliments..;)

  4. For me, this look really nice especially your 1st time did this, I need to learn from you next time.

  5. Can you pls adv. where can I purchase the fondant embosser/imprint, and how much it cost?


  6. Hey Sonia,
    You are already so pro la. Learning from a way man!..;p

    Hi Serena,
    I got my (letters) embosser at Wilton. They have alot choises and depends on what you are looking for. Maybe you can drop by any of the outlets to check it out..;)

  7. Hi Reese, the princess figurine looks so pretty, cant tell is from 1st timer, u r so gd!

  8. Thank you Jess..:) I'm so happy that the birthday girl love it so much, but I still need alot practice..;D

  9. My friend, your figurine is so much prettier then mine leh! No lah, not fat, got nice figure, 该大的大,该小的小, hahaha! So happy you, your "business" is really picking up!

  10. Thanks dear Bee Bee, I accidentally made the upper part so obvious..haha! I'll try to get more practice on figurine. Mine better??? You are joking my friend, I still can remember your Snow White...that was perfect!!
