Thursday, June 24, 2010

Very Moist Choc Cup Cake

Its Thursday, time flies! I find that when I'm busy, it seems like 24 hours a day is not enough.
This week is my busiest week of the month, going office every morning as usual, having classes to attend, helping friends to bake some cakes, my hubby's birthday and my parents are coming down this weekend. Haven't thought of any cake to bake for "him" and I hope I can come out with something he really likes..;p

Here's a recipe which I'll like to share, a very Moist Choc Cake which my youngest sister gave me. Its rich and soft, and I've used it for my project this week. Project? must be wondering..haha! Well, it was a friend's baby's fullmoon, and she has asked me to help make some fullmoon package to give out her relatives. Never thought it was so time consuming..;p Anyway, a promise is a promise, take it a good experience I told myself.;)

This was the Choc Cup Cake I mentioned. Get the recipe here. I just added 1/4 tsp of baking powder into the recipe. Like it more fluffy texture..heehee..;D

Show you some pictures about the package..;)

Like the ribbons...Oooo, I love it! Got it from Singapore when I went visit in March. I even got the blue ones for baby boys..heehee..;D
Got to stop here, and I hope to post some very yummy kueh or cakes next round. Have a nice weekend!


  1. Yummy! Nothing better than a moist chocolate cake! Beautiful package!

  2. Lovely! Yeah, the ribbons is a very nice touch....looks like you finished it, have to come back and buy some more, lol! I am sure Vivian is very happy with your work. Great job my friend. :)

  3. Wor, this is a very nice looking fullmonth package. Andvery nice ribbons, never see this kind of ribbon selling here. You too have a nice weekend.

  4. I love the bib....
    You even did the angkus for your friend?
    Wow... :)

  5. ~Lyndsey, thank you..;)

    ~Bee Bee, thanks! Yes, Vivienne likes it. But really takes alot time..;p

    ~Sonia, yea don't think we can find the ribbons here. Next time if I have the chance I'll buy more..heehee.

    ~Wendy, thank you that you like the bib...heehee. Yea, I did everything, besides the cake, I did made the angku, red eggs and even pitted ginger..;D

  6. Reese, kudos to you!! You made everything, aside the cakes! Yea ... Seems like I'm also falling in love with the ribbons, too! Haha! Shoot ... You've tempted me to get some when I hit Singapore sometime before Christmas! Oh yea hor ... I promise I'm gonna treat you and Bee Bee to my food ... Will do so! PROMISED!!!

  7. Hi Pei-Lin, you have to get those ribbons if you go visit! haha! You will!
    Of course, I'm still waiting for your treats..heehee..;p

  8. Reese,

    You have certainly executed the project very well! I still remember, when I was young, we do receive boxes like that when our neighbour's baby is exactly a month old. Everything is exactly the same and even complete with the pickled ginger, except that the 'Ayamas' Chicken is replaced with two beautiful cupcakes with fondants!

    Did you make the angku kuih as well?

  9. Hi Quinn,
    Thanks you..;) Yes, I did all by myself, even the angku kuih...heehee! Thinking is there any other things that can replace the kuih next time, it seems like a tradition to have the kuih here.
