Thursday, July 8, 2010

Angel Pie (Lemon Cream Pie)

Its our dessert tonight!! Seeing the other bloggers with all the wonderful pies, I also wanted to bake them all. Planning to make the blueberry bakewell tart from Passionate About Baking next week, but for today I just did something simple first.

Found this recipe from the website this morning, and all the ingredients were just right in my fridge. Well, it just meant for me to make this today..haha!

It was lovely and the taste is super good! If you like Lemon Meringue Pie, this is the simple version that you can try..;)

Recipe adapted from Diana Rattray.

Meringue base:
4 egg whites
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1 cup sugar

~ Beat egg white and salt to stiff foam
~ Gradually beat in cream of tartar and sugar
~ Continue beating until stiff peak form and spread into a greased 9" pie plate.
~ Bake at 180-200'C for 30 mins until crust. Then cool.

4 egg yolks
1/3 cup sugar
3 tbsps lemon juice
2 tbsps water
2 tbsps grated lemon rind
1 tbsp butter
1 cup heavy cream

~ In top of double boiler over simmering water, cook egg yolks, sugar, lemon juice, water and lemon rind until thick. Stir constantly.
~ Remove from heat and add in butter. Blend well. Cool filling.
~ Whip cream until stiff peak form and spread half of the cream in bottom of cooled meringue crust .
~ Top cream with lemon filling and spread remaining cream on top.
~ Chill thoroughly and serve.

Oh I just love the lemon filling. But I find my meringue crust was too thin. The next time I make this, I shall make the meringue thicker, maybe double the portion...;p

A closer look at the layers....yummy! My girl said this dessert is lovely and delicious. She has been asking for more after a piece..:)

Not to worry about the sugar used here, it was just right to the taste. Its definitely a keeper for me. Try it out and let me know whether you like it or love it....heehee..;)

Happy Baking!!


  1. Oh wow! This sounds so good Reese! Makes me salivate just looking at the picture. Hmm... Maybe I shall try it... I've always wanted to make Lemon Meringue Pie but just didn't get down to doing it. Actually which do you prefer, this or the pie?

  2. Hi Jane, me too wanted to make the lemon meringue pie for so long but never get to do it..heehee..;p Well, both pies are different in texture, though the taste is almost the same. I find the meringue pie which has a biscuit crust base will be richer which compare to this is much lighter. If you want me to choose....can I choose both?..haha!

  3. I love lemony desserts, too! Can drink lemon curd just like that! Haha! Nothing beats the lemon curd and meringue combo ... Agreed!

    Your lui lui is SO blessed to have you as her mom lar ... Can cook, can bake, can play music and teach her piano ... Violin also ... if not wrong. =D

  4. Hey Pei-Lin, I agreed! Just can't resist lemons..;) Thanks for your compliments, well I'm teaching her piano but not violin. She needs a more serious teacher for her violin..haha! Btw, we did practice together sometimes.

  5. I love anything lemony. This looks really creamy and delicious...mmm Thanks very much for sharing. MaryMoh at

  6. Hmm... 4 egg whites should give you a much higher meringue. My 4 egg white pavlova was 2 inches high leh.But it definately deflates when sliced, but looks pretty tall when still whole.

    I've never made lemon curd as I am so worried that I'll end up as the only person eating this. My husband hates sourish stuff.

  7. ~ You are welcome MaryMoh..:)

    ~ Hi Wendy, yea 4 egg whites is high enuff for this recipe, but I just like the meringue base more..heehee. Its depends to individual I think.

  8. Reese, I love lemony dessert too, this look so gd especially the lemon curd layer, the color so pretty and yummy!

  9. Hey friend, this looks really creamy and good! What I worry when I make this kind of desert is I might end up eating the whole thing myself. :P Too bad you're too far, if not we can share share again. :P Hey, Cheryl is taking after your good taste. ;) I am already looking forward to your Bakewell tart! ;)

  10. ~ Hi Jess, Mee too! I love all sorts of food that made from lemon.

    ~ Dear Bee Bee, how I wish we can share all our bakes..:) Cheryl a...she eats everything..haha!
