Friday, July 30, 2010

Mixed Berry Bakewell Tart

I made this at last!! I've been wanting to bake this tart sometimes ago after reading it from the other bloggers like Passionate About Baking & Kitchen Corner. Their pictures of those tarts looked so tempting and I just can't wait to taste it!

Well, instead of only blueberry jam, I've tried to make with 3 types of berries...Strawberries, Rapsberries and Blueberries! First time trying to cook my own jam, it was perfect! I was happy with that 1st step..;p Following the steps from another blogger, Happy Home Baking, this is not difficult at all! I just added another berries into the recipe which became Triple Berry Jam..heehee...;p

Kindly refer to their posts for recipes and method..:)

How does it look?....

The jam......................

...............the tart before bake.............

It was a wonderful tart I ever made. So delicious, I just love it. The jam, the almond fillings and the fresh berries topping...WOW! Oh and the almond flakes that I added on top of the tart before baking was just perfect. Its crunchy!

I'll definetely make this again very soon since its so delicious, and it goes well with my favourite coffee........Hmm..:D

Happy Weekend!!


  1. Wah, the tart looks perfect my friend! You are tempting me to bake it too! Okay, will bake for my family next weekend when I visit my parents. Good job!!

  2. Hi Reese,
    Ah, no wonder it took you so long to make this, because everything in there is homemade! The longer it is, the more quality & perfect it becomes yah? Your tart definitely looks and tastes much better with the assortment of berries! Don't you just love the ground almonds too? Actually, this becomes one of my favourite sweet tart, and I would definitely bake it again! Yummy!

  3. ~ Bee Bee, I think you'll like this tart, its light and fruity..:) Something different from the cheese one.

    ~ Jane, I like the fruity jam taste and the crust. And of course the almond too but it seems I added too much fruits so not much almond taste in it..haha! Will adjust the portion when I make next round.

  4. Lovely fruity tart! Makes a good dessert after a meal!

  5. Looks good, love the golden surface, and the almonds :)

  6. Hi busygran, it is a good dessert...thanks!

    Hi Wendy, how are you? Ya, I too like the golden surface and almonds..:) But most of all.. the fruits!!

  7. Very nicely baked bakewell tart! Very admire you've got the passion to make your own jam! It's completely a HOMEMADE bakewell tart! Thanks for trying out the recipe!

  8. Thank you too Kitchen Corner for sharing this lovely recipe. All of my family members love it so much!! Think I got to bake this tart very often..haha!

  9. yes, this look absolutely delicious, home bake item always the best.
