Friday, September 3, 2010

Cheese & Ham Rolls

Aaahhh....buns finally!! I managed to make some today...heehee! So proud of myself..wakakaka! It's been a looooong time since my last bake (bread/buns), and I can't remember when. I've planned to make this quite some time ago, but only today I managed to do it....why? I'm lazy!..haha! Okay, about this time and limited ingredients, I just make it with whatever its in my fridge.

Oooo...see the cheese....oozing out from the buns...yummy!
It my version of buns..;p Using those kraft cheese, turkey hams and chicken hams, well it was exceptable..:) The buns are still soft..;D I just roll it up like a swiss roll like the picture shown below.

The recipe for this bread dough was from my previous red bean buns. Wanted to try out my dear friend (h0neybeesweets)'s recipe but I don't have enough ingredients for that. So will wait for next round.

I always choose to use this recipe cause the buns always turned out soft , and it was still soft the following day. I'm the kind of person who really afraid to try something new, so once I got the right recipe, I always stick to it...heehee..;p

Some red bean buns for my daughter (her favourite)..:)

Soon, there'll be another post of buns and breads...:) Chao!


  1. I like your cheese and ham buns :) It's as though eating a sandwich in a bun form. I really like this idea! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Reese, wah I love the cheese oozing out, looks very yummy! Ham & cheese is Amelia's favorite, so I have been making this for her 2 to 3 times a know how picky she eats. :P Btw, very exited about next week's meet up, heehee, we'll have loads of fun!!

  3. Hi Reese,
    I've the same habit as you. I always stick to those recipe I feel easier for me :)

  4. Ooh, yummy! Another bun that makes me salivate! :p

  5. Reese, I am attracted by the oozing out cheese, looks so yummy!

  6. Look at that cheese oozing out from the rolls... Lovely combo, I love savoury buns!

  7. Oozing cheese! Can't resist it! I must start on my bread-making spree and look for people to give away. ;P

  8. You are most welcome, Happy Homebaker..:)

    Bee Bee, I remember I saw this in your blog before, but can't remember when liao. Cheryl likes it too..:) Can't wait to see you next week..;)

    Kitchen Corner, I'm afraid of failure..haha!

    Jane, this is an easy recipe, actually it doesn't need a recipe...Just add whatever we like into the roll...;D

  9. Thanks Jess, Cooking Gallery...:)

    Busygran, yea you should start doing...I don't mind if you can send to me..heehee.;p

  10. Cheese and ham is a great combination. These buns will not last long in my house :D Thanks very much for sharing. MaryMoh at

  11. Those ham and cheese rolls made me drool. My favorite and your recipe is great.

    Plan B
