Sunday, October 17, 2010

Simple Blueberry Swiss Roll

What's for tea today? My daughter always have her tea at 4pm, almost everyday..;) She always look for food and that makes me wonder did she takes her lunch properly in school. Anyway, since I'm home early today, I thought of bake something simple and nice for her.
Blueberry Swiss Roll...but in a simple and easy one.

I admit that the roll look ugly, and it doesn't look like the book at all..haha! But it does taste nice and super soft..:)

Recipe adapted from "Y3K Recipes Vol.56".

4 eggs, 1 egg yolk
130g sponge cake mix
30g Superfine flour
60ml Iced water
1 tsp cake stabilizer

45ml Corn oil

1 or 2 tbsps Blueberry filling

60g Whipping cream (whipped)

~ Preheat oven at 180'C and greased pan (10x14")
~ Combine (A) together and beat until light and fluffy. Gently add in (B) in a slow stream. Divide into 2 parts
~ Add in (C) in one of the parts and spoon into a piping bag.
~ Pipe batter onto the tray shown below.
~ Bake at 180'C for 8-10 minutes, remove cake and cool completely.
~ Spread whipped cream from (D) on surface and roll up.
~ Keep roll chilled for at least 30 minutes before slicing.

Very soft texture, so there was difficulty rolling this roll. I always feel stress and tension when rolling up a swiss roll. I think I really need alot more practice to have a nice and beautiful roll..;p

Hope my daughter will enjoy this later...;p And hope you like this recipe too!!



  1. ohh this is pretty!! looks delicious too

  2. I love blueberries. Love that soft moist look. Thanks very mcuh for sharing. MaryMoh at

  3. looks delicious...light and fluffy too...mmmmm I am stretching my hands out for a slice :p coz you make me hungry looking thru the Windows !

  4. ~ Thank you MaryMoh...:)

    ~ Oh Elin, I wish I can share too..;p

  5. I am still scare to attempt making swiss roll after so many failure. Looking at yours make my hand itch. I might try out making one this week :)

  6. Soft and moist is what a swiss roll should be! And you've done it!

  7. It's normal that a swiss roll is hard to roll up, so don't feel dishearten yah. ;D It looks delicious and soft! I bet Cheryl loves it...yum! ;) Thanks for sharing another great variation of swiss roll. ;)

  8. ~ Gertrude, you can do it!!

    ~ busygran, thank you...:)

    ~ Bee Bee, the roll did taste good but outlook a....;p Luckily Cheryl loves it so much that she took half of the roll..:D

  9. Oh wow! Lately you're into lots of swiss rolls, and multiple colours some more! Getting very pro, Reese! Hahaha... Looks good, yummy!

  10. Hi Jane, ya I love swiss roll but I still need alot practice on rolling it. Mine always look messy...heehee..;p

  11. so long it taste good, nobody will care the look, hehehe..

  12. this is pretty, I love the color combination!
