Monday, November 15, 2010

Bananas Fatt Goh 香蕉发糕

School holiday will be here soon, but this year will be a busy holiday for me instead. My daughter will be starting her orientation for Pri 1 next week, and that mean I have to wake up early in the morning at 630am to prepare her to school for 2 weeks!! Oh dear, that means I got have less sleep then..haha! After that we'll be having visitors for the following weeks until X'mas!...Yup, I'll be very very busy..;p Let's hope everything goes smoothly and have a nice year end holidays..:)

About today's post, a very traditional cake called "fatt goh" that most of the chinese will like to have during Chinese New Year or maybe on some celebrations. It means "Good Luck in fortune"...and always hope that these cakes will have a nice split on top of after steaming. Somehow, mine (splits) were not as nice as I hope for but they were soft and fluffy as I thought..:)

This cakes have a soft and slightly chewy texture with bananas flavour. Of course besides bananas, you can always replace with some other fruits or even taro (yam).
Here's the recipe...
Starter dough:
60g plain flour
1tsp instant yeast
50ml water
200g ripen bananas (mashed)
150g plain flour
1/2 tbsp baking powder
120g sugar (reduced)
125ml coconut milk
~ Combine all ingredients in starter dough, mix well into a rough dough. Leave to ferment for 2 hours.
~ After 2 hours, combine sugar, baking powder, mashed bananas, coconut milk into the starter dough. Mix well.
~ Add in flour and stir well.
~ Place paper cups into fatt goh moulds (I used a muffin tray), fill in batter till 3/4 full.
~ Steam over rapidly boiling water for 20 minutes.
Left over fatt goh can be panfried after dipping in a beaten egg mixture. Just slice them into thin slices and dip into the egg mixture and panfried until brown on both sides. You'll have a crispy fatt goh then..:)



  1. friend, i have yet to try any fat kueh before, you added banana, sound so refreshing, might try out in one day. Do enjoy your busy school holidays, hehehe..

  2. Nice and fluffy woh! Must be very fragrant too! Hope you get some rest in between during this busy time. :P Take care ok, need energy to enjoy also, lol! BTW, where did you get the black cupcake liners? Last year Halloween I search everywhere also cannot find. :P

  3. Sonia,
    This bananas flavour ones were really good. Must try!! Ya loh...I'll enjoy the busy holiday..;p

    Bee Bee,
    I'll enjoy...especially this coming weekends!!
    The black cupcake liners it from the most convenient store here..GIANT!! I bought it during the hari raya festive, and there were alot there. I can go and look out for you if you want..:)

  4. I've tried making fatt koh once but it didn't smile on me. I like the addition of bananas in it.

  5. I enjoyed this recipe. .what a lovely presentation! this banana fatt looks delicious :)

    happy healh pad

  6. I have a similar recipe but I have no luck with the smiley fa gaos. They never bloom :-(

  7. ~ Gert, it may be the heat is not hot enough, that's why they didn't smile..;)

    ~elpi, thanks..:)

  8. ~ Blessed Homemaker, it may be the heat is not strong and hot enough, that's why they don't have the smiley face..;p
