Monday, February 14, 2011

Bloggers Gatherings During CNY

Happy Valentine's Day!!
Anyway this post is not about Valentine but it's the bloggers gathering we had during this Chinese New Year. Althought there were not many of us, we do had a great fun day!! With all the good yummy foods, we actually ate from 430pm to 930pm...haha! I'm starting my diet already...haha! Shall we have another soon? I'm so looking forward to meet up again and hope the others who miss this can join the next time.

A potluck for this gathering, and here's the yummy delicious food we had!

"Yee-Sang" by Sonia, Nasi Lemak Lover
Pickled Cucumber by Venorica, Quay Po Cooks

Vietnamese Springrolls by Swee San, The Sweet Spot

Nasi Kerabu by Swee San, The Sweet Spot & Wendy, Table for 2

Lemon Grass Chicken by me

Otak Otak by Venorica, Quay Po Cooks

"Nian Gao" Puffs by Tracie, Bitter Sweet Flavours

"Bak Kwa" by Wendy, Table for 2

Ispahan Mini Cakes by Swee San, The Sweet Spot

Red Bean Soup by Tracie, Bitter Sweet Flavours
Pandan Lemon Grass Drink by me
Pei-Lin , dodol-mochi brought her rojak, but sorry Pei-Lin, I forgot to take a photo of that...;p
After a warm bbq, we hanged out at my place. We had a good chat until no one noticed how time flies. I wish there will be more to join us the next time, and a longer time to chat....;p



  1. Look like you ladies had a lot of fun. Great company, yummy food, what else can you ask for. Hopefully we get to do this when I go back home.

  2. I haven't even upload my pics from the camera, hahah!
    Thanks for the hospitality,
    I'm sure we will all love to ransack ur place again. Haha!

  3. such a nice gathering, wish I can join next time when I am at KL :)

  4. Ai ya, I really wish I was there too! Yeah, miss your lemongrass chicken! Yum! I guess I can only hope that nothing goes wrong and I'll be there in March....well at least to meet u. :)

  5. ~ Swee San, I'm so free ma...haha!

    ~ Gert, sure sure. We are waiting to meet you...:)

    ~ Wendy, you all are most welcome...haha!

    ~ Jess @ Bakericious, wish to meet you too...:)

    ~ Bee Bee, I'm sure you can make it in March..:) I'm here waiting...;p

  6. Reese, I am home tonight. I just finished working on the photos. I will post them tomorrow together with the recipes of my pickled cucumber and otak otak. You were a gracious host. I have never had so much wonderful foods by so many good cooks at one go before. AWESOME experience. Thanks to all present at the gathering. Big hugs!

  7. Reese, again, thank you so much for the hospitality and the company and the food! It was teamwork!
