Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Black Forest Swissroll (Schwarzwaldekirsch Torte)

It's been awhile since my last post. Its almost end of the year and I'm so lazy to do anything except shopping and counting down for my trips..haha! But when I checked my bookmarked to-do-lists,...Oh dear!! There are so many recipes I've marked and its getting longer and longer. What should I do??? Those are all wonderful recipes from other bloggers and wonderful books I borrowed from friends. Well, there are friends suggested I start with something easy and also alphabetically. Alright, it helps...and so here is it, I'll start with the letter "B" (since I don't have any starting with "A")

A modern approach of famous Black Forest Gateau adapted from my friend's book, "The Ultimate Mixer Cookbook" by Kay Halsey.

It's the first time I made a swissroll without any flour and oil. Its like eating a meringue actually but its good. And it was so good to go with a cup of hot long black...yum!!

Here come the recipe:
175g dark chocolate
6 tbsps brandy (I used rum coz no brandy at home...;p)
210g sugar
5 medium eggs, separated
300ml whipping cream
2-3 tbsps icing sugar
300g fresh cherries (I used canned coz no fresh cherries were found near my area..haha!)

~ Preheat oven at 180'C. Lined a swissroll tin. (12x10")
~ Break chocolate, melt at double boil with 4 tbsps of brandy.
~ Melt till smooth and remove from heat.
~ Beat sugar and egg yolks till creamy and add in the melted chocolate.
~ Whisk egg whites until stiff.
~ Fold egg whites into chocolate mixture gently.
~ Stir lightly, do not over mix.
~ Pour into prepared tin and level the surface.
~ Bake for 20-25 minutes or until the top set.
~ Remove from oven and cover with a damp sheet of greaseproof paper and a tea towel.
~ Leave overnight or at least 8 hours to stand.
~ Whipped whipping cream and stir in remaining brandy. Mix well.
~ Sprinkle a large sheet of greaseproof paper with icing sugar and invert the cooked cake on it.
~ Remove the tin and discard the lining paper.
~ Spread with prepared whipped cream and top with cherries.
~ Carefully roll up and deco as desire with extra cherries or icing sugar.

"Tips: Use fresh cherries if possible! " This was stated in the book, the taste must be better I guess with those fresh cherries. I'll make this again when I can get some fresh ones...:)

Well, mine turns out almost the same as the picture shown in the book..hehe! Guess I got it right!



  1. Oh wow, no flout and oil? Must be pretty light in taste ya? Very special indeed.;) yes yes, understand what you are saying, I also no mood to bake! My coming posts are all backlogs from the past weeks, lol! I'll be gone in less then 10 days too...counting down now. :))

  2. I'd love to hear you pronounce the name of this cake the next time I see you.

  3. Bee Bee,
    Ya, your big day is coming follow by your trip...wonderful!! So happy counting down ho...haha! I think this will be my last bake in November...haha!

    For your information, I also dunno how to read leh...LOL!!

  4. yum,i love black forest cakes! they are so moist, soft and packed with cream and cherries...ah now I feel like a slice!

  5. Hi iva,
    Yeah, black forest is my favourite too, the cherries and the cream were the perfect match in this cake...:)
