Saturday, April 7, 2012

My Sister's Pre-Wedding Cake

It's my sister's wedding yesterday and before her big day, we had a small family gathering (her pre-wedding night) at the hotel suite. Well, it was a great night after gathered with my parents and sisters, then my husband and me sneaked out for a good movie and a super good supper...hehehe!!
Right, about the cake....I've actually planned to make this for my sister on her wedding day but with not much confidence, I decided to make a small one for her pre-wedding night. Anyway it ends up cutting the cake the next morning when the groom was here....:)) I did has good compliments and all the Woooos & Ahhhhs about the cake, but I'm not satisfied with it...real rough work I did!! You'll see....;p

I did some white roses to decorate the cake, at least I'm quite satisfied with the flowers. (but not the finishing of the cake) you know why I said terribly done right?!! Well, well....I know the fondant to cover the cake was too thin but I have no more time and no more extra fondant to do it again. I was so frustrated at that moment and was actually sweating while thinking what am I going to do to cover all that.....that ugly parts!!

So, first I covered the sides with some white patterned fondant as ribbons...haha! see from far, at least it looked better....;p
Then with the roses and butter cream, I did my best to covered the whole cake (those ugly parts) as much as I can.

My dear friend did gave me some advice and tips to touch up the cake and make it look even better but by that time, visitors started to come and I was so busy by then. So at the end, the cake was left the way it was...haha!

But....the cake tastes delicious!! This I have no doubt at all. It was real good that everyone forgot about the decoration...LOL!!
This recipe was actually taken from a book which I can say, it was a terrible book. The recipe which printed in this book was in English and Mandarin, but both was printed with different measurements and ingredients!! Can you imagine that...:(
Therefore, I did my own version for this recipe...which was real good and well received..:)

Coffee Almond Butter Cake:
275g Butter
200g sugar
5 eggs
3 tbsps milk
1 tbsp coffee paste
230g cake flour
1 tsp baking powder
60g nibbed almonds

~ Beat butter and sugar till light and fluffy, add in eggs one at a time. Continue beating for another 4-5 minutes.
~ Add in milk and coffee paste, mix well.
~ At low speed fold in flour and baking powder. Mix well.
~ With a spatula, mix in nibbed almonds.
~ Pour in a 9" round tin ( I used two 6" round tins ) and bake at 180'C for 45 minutes.

Trust me, this cake taste really good and you'll want to have more after one slice...^^

Last but not least, I'll like to wish my sister all the best in everything and have a wonderful honeymoon!! Congratulations dear sister...:))



  1. This is so beautiful. Amazing

  2. Cake is beautiful! Congratulations to your sister!

  3. A very impressive cake! Beautiful!

  4. Reese...gosh! that was a beautiful cake you have made...the white roses are lovely ..well done and a very good start too. Congratulations to your sister and she is blessed to have you to make such a beautiful wedding cake for her. :)

  5. Reese, this is very good already. I'm impressed too. I gave you 4/5 stars. Congrats to the newly weds...

  6. Thanks everyone...:) I'm really glad that the cake still look impressive that day...I'll do better with more practice!!...^^
    Oh....and thanks for the blessings to the newly weds..:)(on behalf of my sister)

  7. you are great! You must have spent alot of time to make those roses. They are beautiful. Keep it up.
