Monday, October 22, 2012

Zha Jiang Mian (炸酱麵)

This is the noodles I always wanted to try but I cannot find a good recipe for it until my friend taught me with her secret recipe...^^ I'm always lucky with good friends around....:)
Well, it's not so complicated after all. I've twisted the recipe alittle bit to suit my taste and it still taste good. Easy and tasty....yummy!

The ingredients below were all you needed. The main ingredients for this dish are the bean paste and the egg.
This is not the original "Zha Jiang" noodle you seen in Taiwan or Korea.....this is the Malaysian way...haha!

A pack of dry egg noodles (any brand will do)
5 shallots (minced)
4 mushrooms ((diced)
300g minced pork
1 egg (beaten)
3 tbsps minced yellow bean paste
3-4 tbsps water
sugar & light soy sauce to taste
some green vege & chilli for garnish

Marinate the minced meat:
3 tsps sesame oil
alittle pepper
alittle sugar

- Stir fry the shallots with some cooking oil till fragnant.
- Add in bean paste and mix well.
- Stir in beaten eggs and mix well., then follow by the diced mushrooms.
- Turn to low heat, add in sugar and soy sauce to taste.
- Cook for about 3-4 minutes until the meat paste becomes alittle thick (like shown below).

Cook the noodles in another pot with clean water, then served with the meat paste!
This is so yummy, and my daughter wants it again for lunch today.

I'm sure you'll like this. Let me know after you try ya....^^



  1. Awesome! I've tried the Korean version.

    1. Oh, I didn't taste the Korean ones but the Taiwan version is very nice.

  2. Wow! I really like this noodle dish. The delicious goey minced meat on the noodles is very appealing.

  3. Hi, l like you recipe and I tried it today. Very nice taste but really malaysia style zhang Jiang Mian not like taiwan.
    Anyway thank you very much for sharing :)

  4. Hi Esther,
    Glad you like this recipe...:) Yeahits so Malaysian style...hehe! I've adjusted it to suit my taste..haha!

  5. Your zha jiang mian makes me drool... Love your generous portion of minces and vege topping of your noodle. Yum!
