Monday, December 29, 2014

Tuna Buns

Today will be my last bake in 2014. A simple Tuna Buns for today's lunch! I'm not really in the mood of baking or cooking these few days as it keeps raining everyday and floods everywhere near east coast of Malaysia. So sad to hear that the numbers of victims increasing everyday and we, those who stay west can't do much for them. I'll pray hard and may god bless the victims and their families.

School holidays have been extended to another week due to the rain and floods here. That means my daughter will be resuming school only on the 12th of January 2015. Hmm....another week huh....I'll take that week to boost up my energy for baking and cooking!! So stay tune, there might be something coming up then...^^"

Recipe makes 7-8 buns
Starter dough:
230g Bread flour / High protein flour
5g instant yeast
160-170g water

~ Mix them well with a mixer then let proof for 1.5 hours

Bread dough:
20g egg (beaten)
60g castor sugar
1/4 tsp salt
25g cold water
2.5g instant yeast
100g bread flour / High protein flour

30g butter

1 small can of tuna mayonnaise

~ Add in the above ingredients (except butter) into the starter dough
~ Mix well till a dough form then add in butter, continue kneading to form a smooth and elastic dough
~ Divide into 60g each, knead into long strip, then fold into desire shape.
~ Place them onto prepared tin or paper cups. Let proof for another 10-15 mins or until double in size
~ Brush with egg wash and put filling on top
~ Bake at 190'C for 15 minutes.

 The texture are super soft as you can see the picture I've shown above. You can make this with other fillings for example sardines or even chicken curry. Good to serve for breakfast, lunch or tea!

Lastly, I'll like to wish everyone here a very Happy New Year and lots lots more interesting bakes to come in 2015!!
Happy New Year!

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