Sunday, July 25, 2010

My FIL's 70th B'Day

It's my FIL's 70th birthday yesterday. We had a nice dinner with all the relatives at a restaurant in our hometown, Seremban. A cooling day with all the nice food.....I forgotten to take pictures for all the yummy food...*sigh*..:( But luckily I did some photo shooting for my cake before we left home..heehee! But the inside...*sigh*...again forgot!!

Anyway here's some pictures that I'll like to share...."贺寿蛋糕" for my FIL.
A combination of the lemon butter cake and my favourite chocolate cake into a 12x16" rectangle tin.*phew*!

The top....................

The side...............

Side border...............

and the 寿桃 (peaches)................
The peaches (寿桃) suppose made of baos but due to my failure of spraying the colours onto the baos and also limited time.......I did it with fondant at last..;p Luckily it still can stand on the cake although its not dry enough..;)



  1. Wah... So nice the cake! I bet Ben is very proud and your FIL is super happy! So happy that it was successful and everything went well. Great job my friend! Kudos!!

  2. Wow, love it.
    Even the pipings look like peaches.

  3. ~Thanks, dear Bee Bee...;) Luckily my inlaws really enjoying the cake...*relief*..heehee..;p

    ~Hi Wendy, thanks! Infect I painted one by one of those tiny pipings..*stress*!!

  4. Your FIL must be very happy to have this lovely cake specially made from you, well done friend.

  5. oooh wow, you are really terror. The icing is very smooth and the peaches are beautifully done. What a beautiful cake. Your FIL in law must be really happy with the cake. Are you taking orders yet?

  6. ~ Thanks Sonia....;)

    ~ Gert, thanks! Did take some orders from close friends but not really into business la..;p

  7. It's such a nice gift to receive on a 70th birthday! I'm sure your FIL must've been damned proud of you! And so will your spouse! All those decoration courses really paid off well for you! Good work Reese. Wish I could produce the same standard as you! :P

  8. Thanks Jane! Wish could have my standard? Oh come on, you must be joking!! Your skills are so good, we already can seen them from your posts! Btw, I did learn alot from those course..:)

  9. wow!! You made the cake?!! It looks amazing!! Very well done!

  10. Nice job Reese.. did you use fondant to cover the cake or cream?

  11. Reese, your FIL must be very happy to recd such beautiful birthday cake.

  12. Thanks Friends..:)

    ~ Hi Swee San, its fondant. Its still messy right..;p

  13. That's such a beautiful birthday cake for your FIL. You are so sweet to make this for him. I'm sure he is very happy :D Thanks very much for sharing. MaryMoh at
