Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pumpkin "Hee Pan" with Peanut Filling

Hey there, do you notice that time past really fast? Its another weekend already, and I've done nothing!! I've been relaxing and playing all sort of games on facebook lately..haha! Opps...what a bad example for my daughter, heh...;p
Well, I did bake anyway...a cake and a kueh..:) Nothing special on the cake, it was an old recipe of Orange Chiffon Cake, since it's my family favourite. But the kueh, it was special. Maybe it's not for you but it was special for me cause I've never eat this kind of kueh but seen this selling and almost quite famous in my hometown since I was a kid.

Okay, here is it.....Pumpkin Hee Pan with Peanut Filling. It was not the same as those selling outside which is pink in colour. I think those pink ones are without filling too. The kueh was chewy and soft, oh-so-yummy!

Have a was in natural golden yellow from the pumpkin...lovely!

Here's the recipe adapted from my latest collection, Traditional Kuih Muih - Step-by Step.
Starter dough:
80g Plain flour
75ml water
1 tsp instant dry yeast
Dough ingredients:
120g pumpkin (pared off skin, steamed and mashed)
60g glutinous rice flour
30g plain flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
50g castor sugar
2 tbsps cooking oil
Alittle water to bind
150g toasted groundnuts (finely milled)
1 tbsp white sesame seeds (panfried)
60g castor sugar
1/8 tsp salt
Alittle water to bind
**Some banana leaves, cut ito small rounds and oiled.
~ Combine ingredients of starter dough well and proof for 2 hours.
~ Combine filling ingredients together and make into small balls of 20g each. Set aside. (Water is added until the nuts can be formed into a ball)
~ Combine starter dough with sugar and baking powder and mix well.
The starter dough after 2 hours and after mixing with the sugar and baking powder as pictures shown below.

~ Add in remaining ingredients and knead till dough is smooth. Glaze oil on surface and rest for 10 minutes. (as picture shown below)

~ Roll out dough into long strips and cut into small balls (about 30g each).
~ Slightly flatten and wrapped in the filling.

~ Flatten the kueh and place on the oiled banana leaves. Rest for another 20 minutes.

~ Steam over medium heat for 10 mintes and cool before serving.



  1. Almost seems like you are making this for some special or festive occasion, heehee. Love the golden color.... I bet with the yummy peanut filling...must be sooo good!! Maybe will try for my mum with coconut filly, thanks!

  2. Bee Bee,
    I know you sure like this, especially with peanuts!! That's your favourite..:) Coconut filling sounds nice too, I'll try with my next attempt. Thanks for the idea..;D

  3. this. The colour is so bright and beautiful. Love the peanut filling. Wish I can have some! :D Thanks very much for sharing. MaryMoh at

  4. Reese, I never like eating plain hee pan. I like your version so much better with fillings. I plan to make this soon as I just bought some pumpkin.

  5. ~ MaryMoh, my family also like this so much. I'm sure I'll make again very soon.

    ~ Gertrude, I never like plain one too, but my daughter requested plain one next time..haha! This is really nice with all natural color from the must try! Hope you'll like it..:)

  6. Wow, I would love to give this a try for Thanksgiving,YUM!
