Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chinese New Year Cookies (Part 1) ~ Traditional Cookies

This is part of my cookies baked this week. Those are very traditional ones..."Kueh Bangkit" and "Harp Tou Sou". These cookies can easily find in every home during the Chinese New Year.
The 'Harp Tou Sou" was not my 1st attempt...I've been making this almost every year but not last year...;p So this year, there are request on this..:)
About the "Kueh Bangkit"...this was my 1st time baking. I admit it was not as tasty as those I tried, but it still acceptable.

Gula Melaka Kueh Bangkit

90g gula melaka or palm sugar
150ml concentrated coconut milk
30g butter
1 egg yolk
250g tapioca flour
few blades of pandan leaves

~ Stir-fry tapioca flour with pandan leaves over low heat until flour becomes light and airy. Remove pandan leaves, cool flour and store for 1 week before using.
~ Combine gula melaka and coconut milk in a pot. Simmer over low heat until sugar dissolved. Strain through a sieve and keep aside.
~ Place flour, butter and egg yolk in a big bowl, mix evenly. Add in coconut mil syrup slowly and knead into a dough. It should be non-glossy looking dough and firm enough to stand without collapsing to one side. (Coconut milk syrup may not be totally needed as there could be a little surplus)
~ Wrap dough and rest for 30 minutes.
~ Remove from wrap, knead dough until softened again then roll flat to a thickness of 1/2cm.
~ Cut out dough with desire cutter and arrange on lined baking tray.
~ Bake at 170'C for 20-25 minutes. Cool well before storage.

Harp Tou Sou
500g plain flour
1tsp baking powder
250g sugar
1 tsp alkaline
1tsp fine salt
2 tbsps butter
300g peanut cooking oil
~ Mix all ingredients together until a soft dough form. (Cooking may not be totally needed)
~ Make dough into small balls and placed on lined baking trays.
~ Used a chopstick to make a small hole in the centre of the cookies.
~ Brush with egg wash and bake at 170'C for 20-30 minutes or until golden brown.

Stay tune for my next 2 cookies...:) Happy baking!!


  1. Hey my friend, the second cookie is new to me leh! But your kueh bankit looks melt in your mouth, yummy! I like! But must control, it's pretty heart, heehee. You know I baked so many cookies but no time to post up...quite cham. :P anyway, I'm looking forward to your other two cny cookies. ;) happy baking!

  2. Thank you Bee Bee....:) The kueh bangkit did melt in the mouth but Ben said he don't really like it..:( Well...guess I have to make some of last year's CNY cookies for him then..haha!
    So are you coming??

  3. Thank you for sharing. Happy baking to you too.

  4. Hi Jobless Girl,
    You are most welcome...:)

  5. Hi I like hup tou sou too but is alkaline water a must? If I buy a bottle it'll go to waste. Can I not use it?

    1. Hi Mae,
      Yes, you may avoid the alkaline. I hv tried both with and without the alkaline but the cookies may turn out alittle hard compares with those with alkaline.

  6. Hi babe, thank you for your recipe. I was just wondering , maybe there's some typo for the oil required. I did try this cookie last nite. I love this . except that I only used 1 bowl of oil instead of whole 300g . ;)

    1. hi dear, i do need that amount of oil for the recipe, Anyway you may not need the whole of it..^^
      Happy Chinese New Year!!

  7. Hi Reese, mine came out to be too hard....does the alkaline water and baking powder affected? May be I put too little.... (@_@). Just mix 1 teaspoon of alkaline water to all dry ingredients?

    1. Yes Mok.....only 1 tsp to all dry ingre. Maybe you didn't add enough cooking oil. The texture of the dough must be soft and alittle sticky.
