Monday, June 24, 2013

Butter Banana Cake

Hey there, how are everyone doing? We are facing a seriously hazy weather in Malaysia. Hope everyone is alright and take care, especially the young kids, old folks and expected mothers. Drink more water, take more fruits and vegetables and stay indoors as you can.
Bake some simple yummy cakes for tea or breakfast like what I just did.....^^

250g butter
180g sugar
3 eggs
300g bananas (mashed)
1tbsp lime juice
300g self raising flour
4 tbsps milk powder

- Mix the flour and milk powder together.
- Beat butter and sugar till light and pale.
- Add in eges one at a time.
- Add in masged bananas , mix well.
- Add in lime juice follow by the flour mixture at low speed.
- Pour mixture into a 9" ring pan and bake at 160'C for 45 minutes.
 Texture was very good, it stays soft up to 3 days. I like this so much compare to those with cornoil.
My family loves this recipe and they even ask me to bake again!!

From the pictures above you can see the texture clearly, soft and fluffy right?
Oh...the side was crispy too, of course getting softer another day but it still good!
Hope you all like this too!!


1 comment:

  1. Phew ... we at Singapore finally have clear skies for the past two days. This cake looks good.
