Thursday, October 9, 2014

Grilled Paprika Chicken with Baked Cheesy Potatoes and Mushrooms

So lately I've been baking and cooking all the old recipes, craving for all the old stuffs. My family has been asking why am I not baking or cook any delicious food that they like last time, so I just bake whatever they ordered..hehe! I'm not lazy but no new recipes lately..haha! 
Anyway, here is one of the old ones which I grilled long time ago for a Christmas party, but with a new side dish which I think I should share with you. A delicious and simple side dish which you should try.

Baked potatoes and brown mushrooms with pizza topping cheese. At the beginning I just thought of baked the potatoes but my daughter requested some mushrooms. So I just mixed all these 3 ingredients together and guess what!....They loved it!!

4 Soft potatoes, cubed
1 pck Brown mushrooms, halved
salt, black pepper, olive oil (to taste)
Pizza topping cheese (as desire)

~ Mixed all ingredients together then spread the cheese topping over the potatoes and mushrooms.
~ Bake at 200'C for 20-30 minutes or until golden and crispy. Served hot!

*served 4

For the grilled chicken recipe, please refer to my old post, Paprika Grilled Chicken.
This grilled chicken was my best among the others. The chicken drumsticks were bursting with flavors!

Oh the side dish, please remember not to add too much salt as it will be too salty when served with the yummy grilled chicken. Try try try!!! I'll like to know about your comments...:))


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