Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What Ive Done Lately!

Hi! How are everyone doing lately? Me?!...Very busy since my daughter's school starts but of course I do cook and bake everyday. What I've been cooking? Here are some of them, something simple but delicious for my family. Well, of course there are some more but those are the repeat recipes which I've posted before so I'm not going to repost them.
I'm having a very important mission to complete this coming week. I'll let you know what it is later..hehe!
I'll make this post as short as possible, hope that you still enjoy reading it..:p

Here, the 1st one...saw this from a tv show once that a taiwanese cook did something with the chicken breast and I find that was interesting. With some changes, well actually I did change the whole idea except wrapping with the chicken breast. Flatten the chicken breast and marinated with some salt, paprika powder and black pepper then wrapped with anything that you desire ( I stuffed with some brinjals, carrots and cheddar cheese) Rolled them up and sealed with toothpicks. Then grilled at 250'C until done (about 20-30 mins) Removed the toothpicks and sliced. Served with some garden salad. Yummy!

Next, the roasted pork which is my family favourite. This is a super delicious and easiest recipe for roasted pork I ever done. get the recipe here.

Deep fried Spring Rolls! What a sinful snacks for my afternoon tea. using only the frozen spring rolls wraps that I got from the supermarket, the yummilicious fillings that I invented myself..haha! Nice!!
Fillings are minced shallots,turnips (thinly sliced), carrots (thinly sliced) and dried beancurd (thinly sliced). Stirfry the shallots till fragrant, then add in the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Add seasoning~ oyster sauce, sugar and pepper. (amount depends to individual) Slowly add in water until there is a small amount of gravy will do. Slow cook till the vege softened. Wrapped with the psring roll wraps and deep fry until golden brown.

Another old recipe here, the chiffon cake. Well this time I did 2 flavors in a cake because my daughter has been asking for chocolate flavor and me, I like the orange one. so at the end, I combined both!!Do look for the chiffon cake recipe from my blog here for details.

Lastly but not least, remember I mentioned earlier that I have a very important mission? Here's the roses that I wanted to show you. Chocolate fondant roses all done for a wedding cake next week!! I'm very satisfied with the roses here after so long that I didn't practice making them. Not bad huh?..hehe!
They are for my dear cousin's sister's wedding next week. So stay tune for the cake ya...^^


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