Monday, July 6, 2015

Cotton Cake 棉花蛋糕

Another simple recipe founded. This recipe was shared by my youngest sister from the web few days ago. Well, since my house is out of bread and cakes today so I've decided to give it a try this morning. During the process I'm a little nervous because lately whenever I bake or steam a cake, the outcome is terrible! So this recipe was handle with careful hands and I've been reading the ingredients again and again just to make sure I don't miss out anything...haha!
Carefully transferred the cake out from the oven and patiently waited for the cake to cool before cutting...oh the whole process is killing me! Guess I'm too tense after all...;p

Oh the result is wonderful....I'm speechless after giving it the first bite. I just LOVE it!!

Please refer to the original recipe which also in Mandarin here
Btw, I've make some changes in the recipe and posted here for my own reference..^^

Recipe for a 9" round ring pan

60g butter
80g superfine cake flour
1 whole egg (grade A)
4 egg yolks (grade A)
80ml full cream milk
1 tsp lemon juice

4 egg whites (grade A)
85g fine sugar

* Wrap the cake pan (outside) with aluminium foil to prevent water going in while baking.
* Prepare a tray of hot water for double bake
* Melt the butter over a double boiler. Remove from heat and cool slightly.
* Sift in flour and mix well with an egg whisk.
* Add in 1 (whole) egg and mix well. Then add in the egg yolks one at a time, mix well.
* Add in milk and lemon juice and mix well. Keep aside.
* Whisk the egg whites with sugar till soft peaks formed.
* Gently mix well the egg whites mixture with the egg yolks batter and pour into prepared pan.
* Steam bake at 150'C for 1 hour then increase temperature to 160'C for another 5 minutes.
* Remove from the oven and let sit for 5 minutes before removing the cake from the pan.
* Cool completely before cutting.

Here, have a look how soft and light is the cake! The texture is moist and fluffy and I think it's good to have it plain without any cream or jam. If you like the Japanese Cotton Cheese Cake, then I'm sure you'll love this! Give it a try and let me know about it...:))

Happy Baking!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Another sweet recipe to try out! =) The last time I baked cake, I learned a handy lesson: Don’t flip the cake without a cake board to avoid having large cracks in it. Now I’m gonna try your recipe applying this lesson. I hope it turns out well. =)

    Informative URL for Leviton

  3. Thank you for the wonderful recipe. I baked twice and I love it.

    Informative URL for Leviton

    1. Hi Marlene, you are most welcome. Glad you like this as much as I do..(^^)
