Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Purple Sweet Potatoes Loaf

What's your favourite color? Mine is always purple and red. Ever since I'm a little girl I always like the color of red. Well, at that time I just find that red is pretty sharp and when we wear something red, we really stands out. Then, when I slowly grow up, I find that purple is nice too. I'll like my parents to paint my room purple, buy me purple towels, a purple bag etc...haha! I just find it's a romantic color. Don't you think so? (^o^)

So, when comes to baking, color is also very important. (this is what I think so lah..;p) Refer back to my older post, I usually have sharp colors in my bakings! And today, a warm and romantic one, Purple Sweet Potatoes Loaf with dried Cranberries.

An easy "quick" bread recipe founded! And of course it has a super soft texture until the next day!
This recipe does not need any pre-fermented dough or Tang-zhong. Scroll down to have a look at the ingredients..:))

(Recipe calls for a 7.5"x3.5" loaf tin)

200g bread flour
10g milk powder

20g castor sugar
2g fine salt
1/2 tsp honey
65g purple sweet potatoes (cooked & mashed)
85g cold water
25g beaten egg
4g instant yeast

25g butter (room temperature)

some dried cranberries or raisins

* Mix together all ingredients (B) in a bowl. Slightly whisk with a whisker.
* Transfer the mixture into a mixing bowl and add in ingredients (A)
* At high speed mix them all together into a dough then add in butter (C). 
* Continue to beat at high speed until you get an elastic dough, until you can pull the dough to almost see through texture without breaking it.
* Add in dried cranberries or raisins (D). Mix well.
* Cover and let prove for 30 minutes.
* Punch the air out from the dough and divide into 3 equal portions
* Slightly roll out the 3 portions with a rolling pin and roll up like a swissroll.
* Place into the prepared greased loaf tin (7.5x3.5")
* Let prove till 80% of the tin (about 45 minutes)
* Bake at 180'C for 30 minutes
* Remove the loaf from the tin once done and let cool completely before slicing.

Oh, don't you like the color? Beautiful!!
Happy Baking!


  1. I love the color really ! The bread looks cottony soft too!!! I want to try this. Ok let me get some purple swwet potato first. Ciao....

    1. Thank you Grace. Ya, quick get some and try this out...hope you like this as much as I do..^^

  2. Looks so good! And soft too. Thanks for sharing the recipe

    1. Thank you Veronica, and you are most welcome. Hope you like this recipe too..:))

  3. what an interesting recipe. purple bread...have to try this. lovely blog you have here. love your recipes
