Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ouar Koh Kueh

Ouar Koh Kueh....i called it "Wun Jei Gou" in cantonese. This is 1 of my favourite nyonya kueh. Especially when eat with my favourite chilli sauce....;-p
Well, together with my friend, we try it out the very first time. We were so nervous while waiting for the kueh to cook. And the result.....yippie!! Nice!!
I've already taken 4 for my dinner...heehee! Only left 3 small pieces for my husband to try later.
Can't wait for his comments...haha!
Got this recipe from one of my favourite book, nyonya traditional kueh. I did a slight changes here for the topping ingredients to suits my own preference. So here goes the recipe....

150g Rice Flour
4 tbsps Tapioca flour
1 tbsp Sago Flour
230ml Water

1 tbsp Oil
1 tsp Salt
360ml Water

100g Tai Tow Choy (Chopped)
150g Sweet Preserved Radish (Chopped)
150g Salted Preserved Radish (Chopped)
5 pips Minced Garlic
5 nos Minced Shallots
4 tbsps Cooking Oil
** Soaked the tai tow Choy and preserved raddish in hot water for 10-15mins, then chopped.

1 tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Dark Soy Sauce
3-4 tbsps Sugar (If find the radish is too salty, can add alittle more sugar)
1/2 cup water

~ Fragnant the minced garlic and minced shallots with 4 tbsps oil, then add in chopped tai tow choy and the preserved raddish. Stir-fry for a while, add in seasoning, mix well, add in water and simmer till almost dry. ( if prefer to have more sauce, add alittle more water). Keep aside.
~ Mix ingredients (A) well, then bring ingredients (B) to boil.
~ Pour (B) into (A) mixture, and mix well.
~ Grease a little oil in the kueh bowl.
~ Steam the bowls for 5 minutes, then pour in the mixture into the steamed bowl until almost full ( I'm using a small kueh mould which is only 2-3" width)
~ Steam over high heat for 30 minutes.
~ Remove the kueh from the bowl when its half cool and then sprinkle some topping and serve.

Of course it can be steam in a bigger bowl, but my friend said the size is just nice. Yeah, it always look nice and cute when the size is smaller. She's right!!
I will also try another recipe from my friend soon, since she's making this weekend. Can't wait for hers....heehee! So stay tune!


  1. Wah...I pressure already yeh! Your one already nice....wonder if I can make anything close to that, haha! Anyway, thanks for asking me along today, I had fun, as usual. :)

  2. Hee hee! No pressure la, BB....u r always the best.
