Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Simple Belacan Chilli Paste

Still early, and i'm not tired to go to bed i just open my fridge and check out what i have inside. Checked through it and found a packet of belacan powder and some chillies in there.
Mmmm....Chilli Belacan! That comes to my mind.
One of my friend has been asking me to cook this for her quite some time ago. She loves chilli alot, the spice....:) She tasted long time ago when i made this for our gathering, bet she still remember the taste...heehee!

Its very simple, all u need are this four ingredients....Chillies (Dried and fresh- all blended into paste) Of course you can add some chilli padi if you want it more spicy. Then the rest of the ingredients are minced shallots, minced garlic and belacan powder.
Just stir fry the shallots and garlic till fragnant then add in the belacan powder and chilli paste.
At low fire, stir-fry for about 10 minutes....and its done!
The portion of the ingredients..?! I don't really measure it, it just goes to your own preference.

Simple and nice! I always have this chili with my fried mee-hoon or mee. Now when i'm posting it, makes me want to taste it immediately...haha! For friends out there who loves chillies....this is definetely a paste you cannot miss!

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