Friday, August 14, 2009

Cornflakes Cookies

Have beed craving for snacks lately. I used to have lots of snacks in my cupboard...heehee! You can imagine how fat i am...haha! Well, my mouth just tend to be very itchy whenever i'm free, especially when watching the tv or writing my blogs..:)
I always baked a few batches of cookies to store in the cupboard, yea...i'll never get hungry even though i din go out for a week...;p
This cookie is one of my favourite. I always bake this for friends and family especially during Chinese New Year. But it seems like Chinese New Year still has a long way to go...Oh did you know that next year's Chinese New Year falls on the Valentines Day?!...Hmm...wonder how are we going to celebrate ha....:)

This recipe is from my mother's friend, whom she baked this for sale. We are so lucky that she willing to share her recipe with us. Well, you know, those who bakes for bussiness don't usually share their secret recipes. And i'm so happy that my dear friend told me that her kids love this cookies so much ....YIPPIE!!!
Okay, here the recipe goes....

180g Sugar
250g Butter
3 Egg yolks
200g Plain cornflakes (crushed)
200g Cookie flour
60g Cornflour
60g Tapioca flour
1 tsp Baking soda
2tsps Vanilla essence
** Sugar has been reduced here

~ Cream butter and sugar till creamy
~ Add in egg yolks and cornflakes, continue to mix at low speed until well mixed.
~ Fold in slowly all flour ingredients
~ Then add in vanilla essence and mix well until form a soft dough.
**Texture should be creamy and sticky
~ Spoon into cookie paper cups or just spoon it on the tray lined with parchment paper.
~ Top with cherries if desire
~ Bake at 170'C for 20-25 mins or until golden brown

** Note that when spooning into the paper cups or tray, do not press the cookies, or else the texture will be hard.

** And also note that, do not crushed the cornflakes too fine, or else it'll melt into the cookies

So far all my friends love it, with the creamy and buttery texture and the crunch of the cornflakes. Try it and you'll know...:) Enjoy!


  1. Thanks for sharing this yummy cookie recipe! Will make it for my family when I go back home next time. ;)

  2. You are welcome BB, I'm really happy that you like it!Enjoy....:)

  3. Hi,

    Your recipe looks easy, but I have a question. Can I replace cookie flour to plain or top flour instead ?


  4. Hi Linda,
    Yes, you can use plain flour instead of cookie flour. Just remember do not press the dough when spooning into paper cups or tray..:) Cheers!
