Thursday, August 13, 2009

Carrot "CUP" Cake

My husband was bored of my bread baking lately, heehee! He has suggested few recipes, but not bread...haha! I just happy with my bread making lately, you know...with the soft texture...;p
That is why i keep making bread, and my daughter loves it!
Without really having planned it, I realise i have all the ingredients in my cupboard and those carrots in my fridge, just nice for this carrot cake...:) Hopefully this will satisfy him...;)

Instead of baking it in a round or square tin, I was wondering how it looks like when bake them in paper cups. So here it goes.....
This recipe is from my favourite book "Bake with Yen".....Anyway, my friends out there, this the recipe for you....

4 Eggs (separated)
1.5 cups Corn oil
88g Castor sugar
80g Brown sugar
1.5 cups grated carrots

(Sift together)
250g Cake flour
2 tsps Mixed spice
1.5 tsps Baking soda
1 tsp Salt

100g Chopped walnuts

~ Beat egg yolks for about 5 minutes, add in corn oil, sugar, carrots and mix well.
~ Stir in dry ingredients together with the chopped walnuts and mix well.
~ Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into cake mixture
~ Pour into a lined and greased 9" round baking tin and bake at 180'C for 45 minutes.
**I'm using paper cupcakes here, which i only bake for 30 minutes at 180'C
~ When baked, allow to cool completely before top with cream cheese frosting.

Cream Cheese frosting
120g Butter
250g Cream cheese
120g Icing sugar

~ Cream butter and cheese until light and fluffy
~ Add in icing sugar and continue to cream till smooth

Don't they look nice?! Ya...i like it. And the little carrot?? Hee hee, i've played with some fondant, which was my first time. I was rather nervous at first, and was thinking whether to call my friend to come over for help...:p Well, my daughter was beside me when i was making the fondant, and she said "Mummy, you playing play-dough arr..." haha! It really looks like her play-dough set...So without disturbing mt friend, i just moved on...
Result??...okay lorr, satisfied larr....:)

This cake is really light and tasty...and its just nice to have a piece for dessert, which i'm going to now...:) Enjoy!!


  1. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to taste a real carrot cake! I always have the impression that there'll be a strong carrot taste, haha...not at all! I love the crunchy walnut inside and the sweet creamy cream cheese on top, yum! Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. You are most welcome. Glad that you like it..:)
    I also like the crunchy walnuts inside, and the cream cheese frosting..yum yum.
    Cheryl love the cake too!
