Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What a relieve.................

Has been a week worrying about my daughter. She was sick...flu, cough and fewer. Gosh...when you heard of those symtoms, you'll say..."OMG is she with H1N1??" Okay we did the test, waited for so long that day in hospital....luckily she was fine. According to her doctor, when someone has the normal (human) flu will also will get the same result..."Influenza A+".
But since my daughter's fewer was just 38'C., and she recovered after the 1st medication. Thank God!
To be safe, i have to quarantine her for a week...yea, she missed her school and all the activities..:( Nowadays, we have to be very careful and drinks lots of water, take more vitamin C. The virus is everywhere and it spread too fast that we can't imagine.

Back to my kitchen...i miss my oven...heehee! Have been thinking whether to bake or not to bake. I wonder if i share my baking with my friends, will they consider to eat or not to eat...haha!
Okay, to my very dear friends out there, just want to let you know that we are safe and healthy. Don't worry!!

Anyway i can't wait to bake something i long for....Cinnnamon Roll...yummy! Actually i wanted to bake this the week before....but due to my daughter's sickness....hmm, all the ingredients have been in the cupboard, waiting for me...;p
Guess today is the time.....

Waiting to double the sizes before baking....don't they look nice?!...:)

Got this recipe from the book, "Home Bread DIY", with some changes i've made......

280g Bread Flour
15g Milk powder
56g Castor Sugar
1/2 tsp salt
68g Water (Room temperature)
6g Instant yeast
100g Fresh milk
50g Unsalted butter

Spreading: (mix well)...the portion for this mixture can be more if you like
* 3 tbsps cinnamon powder
* 3 tbsps Brown sugar
* 20g Black raisins

**Alittle melted butter (for spreading the flat dough before sprinkle the cinnamon powder)

~ Combine all the ingredients except butter to forms almost a dough.
~ Add in butter and knead until it form a fine and elastic dough.
~ Leave to proof for 1 hour.
~ Transform the dough to freezer for 15 minutes
~ Roll in flat sheet, spread with melted butter and sprinkle with the cinnamon mixture and raisins
~ Roll up like a swiss roll
~ Cut into sections according to the cups or aluminium foil cups that you are using.
( I used the medium size muffin tray here)
~ Let it prove double in size, about 30 minutes.
~ Bake at 190'C for 15 minutes.

** May rub the top with melted butter before baking if desire.

Ready to eat....yum yum! I didn't rub the top with melted butter here, so it looks alittle dry. But i can say the texture is good. Do have a try, cause this is really simple and really deilicious....;) Cheers!


  1. It's delicious! Good thing you did not add the sugar glaze, because the sweetness is just right, yummy! Soft and slight chewy texture, I like it. Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. You are welcome,....so happy that you like it! Actually its my favourite too...:)
