Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mini Paus

My daughter has been asking for paus lately. Nowadays she'll give me her menu, almost everyday, saying what to cook for her....;p Yea, she loves to eat! haha!
Instead of the normal sizes i've been making, today i'll just make it into mini sizes (but its still too big, i should have make it smaller)..;p
Then, i just play the dough with some colours, pink and green, my daughter's favourite...:)
A little of the strawberry flavour was added to a portion of the dough, also some pandan paste for another portion, and keep some for the normal plain ones. Wonder how it taste like for the strawberry ones, looks nice....heehee!

Well, after steaming i tried each of the paus immediately, i still prefer the plain ones though.
But my daughter said the pink ones were her favourite....."it taste so nice, mummy!" That was her first comment to me...:) I was so happy that she loves it so much.
Guess all mothers always hope their love ones like her cooking and baking....;) I did, and it makes me want to cook more for them. Am wondering what to make tomorrow....haha!

With the pandan flavour of pastry, i find it taste nicer with some lotus filling, don't you?! But the colour here is alittle too light, i should have add more to it. The strawberries ones, are lovely here. The colour and the taste just goes well with the red-bean paste. Not to mention about the plain ones larr.....its definetely GOOD!!
Maybe next time i'll try some peanuts filling for the pandan pastry....hmm..;)

All the pastries and ingredients here are from my previous post..."Paus". Except the flavouring added....:) Have you try any paus recipe yet?? Go ahead, try it out....you'll definitely satisfy with this...;)


  1. Thanks for the Baos Reese. Had one plain one for breakfast just now. ;) BTW, next time try purple with yam filling, then yellow for custard filling, how's that? Would love to come over and make with you one of these days. ;)

  2. Hi BB, You are welcome.
    Sure, i would like to try more variety for the paus....;) Thanks for the idea!!
