Saturday, August 1, 2009

An Opportunity

Today i've been given an opportunity to make a cake for my father-in-law's birthday. Since last 2 days i've been looking for a suitable birthday cake recipe from my collection books. I have to make something not too sweet, not too creamy and a cake that doesn't melt....;p Hahaha! You must be wondering why?! It was because i have to bring the cake back for him in Seremban, which will be 1 hour drive from my place. Well, its not too far, but those simple chill cakes will not be in the list, and futher more my father-in-law doesn't like cheese.
Okay, so this came to my mind then... a simple non-dairy whipping cream + some melted white chococlate cream and some strawberry decorations....;)

Well, i admit that this cake looks ugly...haha! See my finished work was terrible here...heehee!
But the taste was good....guess we can't judge by looking at the outside..:p
With some strawberry chunks and jam + some mashmellows for the filling....yes, it does taste good..;) Everybody loves it..."PHEW"....!!
I have to post this here, for my own reference. At least i can see my improvement in the future.

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