Saturday, October 24, 2009

Black & White

There is nothing better than a nice warm breakfast every morning to start a day..:) And i guess home cook is the best of all too!
Did my same old stuff again for tomorrow's breakfast but this time i did some 'odd' colour on my buns..haha! Somehow, i should have added more charcoal powder in it to make a darker colour texture..;p

My daughter has been asking for sausages and red bean buns since yesterday. So here is it, my same old recipe with some charcoal powder added into another half portion of the dough.
Just follow the ingredients and method stated, at the end of the procedure, take out half portion of the dough and add about 2 tsps charcoal powder and continue to knead till even.
The more charcoal powder added, the darker colour you get. Then just try to be creative when rolling and wrapping the sausages and other fillings...;)

But what i did here was just the same old patterns..hee hee! Have to learn to be more creative horr....;p Okay, next time try again...

Don't worry about the texture after adding the charcoal powder, it'll still soft and yummy. As i mentioned above, it was only 2 tsps. So not much changes to the texture of the dough. Unless you added more, then adjust with the bread flour used.

Anyway, i find that (darker) black will be nicer, don't you think? Give it a try and let me know how is it..:) Cheers!!

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