Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Choc Chips Raisin Buns

Today i have a very relax day...wondering in the office, seaching the internet..;p Ha ha! Do not tell my BOSS....tell you what, i can easily take a week off, go home everyday in the afternoon for tea, or can just walk straight to the hair saloon in the morning.....Haha! You must be wondering what kind of job i'm on and who's my boss??? Bet you can guess....
Ok ok enough for these nonsence...;p
Searching the web can get enough information you want. Thanks to the great technology we have now. I've printed quite alot of recipe that i like from the web page, from chinese cruisines to european....and so on. Today, i read one which is quite interesting and easy recipe....chocolate chocolate..:) Its interesting cause its ingredients consist shortening!

Somehow, kind of worry what and how the bread will turn out, so i decided to change alittle the ingredients..
Here's my version....

300g Bread flour
5g milk powder
10g Cocoa powder
50g Caster sugar
1/2tsp Salt
30g Egg
180g Cold water
7g Instant yeast
20g Unsalted butter
10g Shortening
100g Raisins
Some white and dark chocolate chips for topping

~ Combine all the ingredients except butter, shortening and raisins.
~ Knead together until forms a smooth dough (about 5 minutes with a mixer @ high speed)
~ Add in butter and shortening and continue to knead until forms an elastic dough. (about 10 minutes @ high speed). Pull a small piece of the dough, and try to stretch a little until almost see tru without breaking, then the dough is done.
~ Add in raisins and mix well.
~ Leave to rise in a greased bowl for 1 hour.
~ Divide into small portions, about 40g each (the portion can be bigger or smaller as you wish). Let them prove for 10 minutes and roll into balls.
May add alittle chocolate chips in side the small balls while rolling.
~ Arrange in a lightly greased muffin tray and let it prove double in size, about 30 minutes.
~ Brush with egg wash and sprinkle some white and dark chocolate chips on top.
~ Bake at 180'C for 20 minutes. Cool in tray for 5 minutes then transfer to wire rack to cool completely.

** Buns can be arrange into a 8x8" square tin, then the buns will stick to each other after bake.

The texture is super soft. While baking, my whole kitchen smells with chocolate! You'll know its yummy and delicious by just looking at it....;)

The kids really love it. One of my friend's girl did ask me to bake again tomorrow...haha! I'll give this recipe a 5 stars, and its top of my list now..:) Try it and you'll know what i mean...Good-day!


  1. A very tasty chocolate & raisin bun, good job! ;) Eating one right now for breakfast...mmmmm! Thanks for the buns! BTW, you so free why didn't tell me? We can go have breakfast together mah?! Or go shopping together? What say you?

  2. Thanks BB, everytime when i was making bread, i sure think of you..;p Can't imagine after you leave.....:(
    Thought of calling you for breakfast, but no last minute larr....hee hee! Next time i'll book you in advance..;)

  3. Hai RK, i bake today, and yes this is soft. i change some water with milk, and i love more choco chip ^^. i keep this recipe, in my top list, tx alot for sharing ^^

  4. Hi Chuany, welcome to my blog.:) Glad you like this recipe. Happy Baking!
