Sunday, February 28, 2010

Breakfast for Chap Goh Meh

What's for breakfast today?...Mine was "Vegetarian Paos"! Today is the last day of Chinese New Year - Chap Goh Meh, means my family will go for vegetarian for a day. Actually every 1st and 15th of every month we'll have this practice. ( most of the buddist will follow )
And so I woke up quite early this morning to make these fresh "vegetarian" Char Siu Pao for my family's breakfast.

Fresh from the steamer...............yummy!

The ingredients for the fillings is simple, just need to get a nice and fresh vegetarian meat.
Here's the ingredients....

3-4 shallots (finely chopped)
1/2 tsp garlic (finely chopped) - optional
400g Vegetarian meat, diced
2tbsps vegetarian oyster sauce
1 tbsps sugar
1 tsp thick soy sauce
3 tbsps water
1 tsp sesame oil
1or 2 tsps shao xing wine
salt and pepper to taste
(cornflour solution for thickening)

~ Heat 2 tbsps oil and stir fry shallots and garlic till fragnant.
~ Add in vegetarian meat and continue to fry for awhile.
~ Add in all other ingredients and fry until cooked. Stir in cornflour solution.
~ Keep aside to cool before using.

** Pao dough is the same as the older post.

Isn't it great to have sumptuous homemade paos while sipping some fragnant tea? Mmmm......

Happy Chap Goh Meh everyone..:)


  1. Happy Chap Goh Meh to you too ! I only practised vegetarian for 1st day of CNY. Maybe next year CNY, I should follow you also practise for 15th day of CNY.

  2. Hi Sonia!
    Actually I have this practice for every month throughout the year for just half-day, but during CNY, we'll have it for one full day on the 1st & 15th..:)

  3. Miss your vegetarian baos! Looks yummy! Think one of these days I am gonna make chicken baos...something I have been "dying" to make for a long time. :P Hopefully before I go off to US. :P

  4. I miss you "char Siu " baos too. With the yummy sauce...yum yum!

  5. Wow, you woke up early just to make the baos. Don't think I can do it as I'm not a morning person..haha! Your baos look very cottony soft. I am so encouraged to try it. The only days I 'try my best' to be a vegetarian is on Kwan Yin's birthdays (and sometimes I forget!! yikes!).

  6. Hi Joslynn,
    I don't really sleep haha!..;p I meant if I got 4-5 hours sleep a day, then I'm fine already.
    Oooo...last time I also tend to forget about vegetarian on those specific days, but I'm ok now. Just take time..:)

  7. heheheh I had bao also on my CNY trip at cameron highland! ;)

  8. Thanks for dropping by Big BOys Oven..:)
